Telling great stories through digital media with Colin and Samir.

3 min readDec 14, 2017


Colin and Samir

Colin Rosenblum and Samir Chaudry make cool videos and tell great stories.

Please go look at & to see for yourself.

Here’s the full podcast:

Whenever I interview anyone, I like to scroll all the way back to their very first video. In this case, it was on their YouTube channel for The Lacrosse Network. The first video on that page was a mash up of go pro footage strapped to a goalies head. It was entertaining but it was something that anyone could have produced. It was still the very raw start of an idea.

Fast foward a couple years, that channel is now pushing a total of 36 million views and hundreds of videos, a feat that isn’t as easy for anyone to produce.

Most of these videso are both produced by Colin & Samir and feature them as the on-camera personalities.

I knew it had to take a high level of focus, creativity, and work ethic to reach those types of numbers. On top of that, the videos they created featured a sport that they love. A sport where they saw a need for media support and no one else was telling these stories, so they took action. Those actions have made a positive impact on the sport of lacrosse and the personalities who play.

The courage to start is important. The courage to keep working even though people think you don’t have what it takes is a whole different thing.

Inspired by this courage, I reached out to have a conversation about the making of that The Lacrosse Network and their personal YouTube channel. (Since the recording of this episode, Colin & Samir produced a video which gives us a comprehensive review of Casey Neistat’s company Beme News. This video put them on Beme’s radar and got them an invite to their New York offices. Pretty tight, right?)

For anyone telling a story through content, this episode is for you.

If you’re making videos for your personal brand, if you’re a creative person and don’t know where to start, if there’s a niche you want to build a media company around, this episode is for you.

We talk about their mindset on approaching their creative relationship, key elements of visual storytelling, and their partnership with Paul Rabil…who is the Lebron James of lacrosse.

I had a great time in this interview and I hope you enjoy it as well.

Listen on iTunes here:

Please go send Colin & Samir a shout out here:

Connect with me here:

Thank you for listening and have a beautiful day.

Hearts, Tom

