Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset— 100 Mental Models #088 👽

The mindset of champions vs the mindset of mediocrity.

Tom Chanter
2 min readAug 25, 2019
Photo by Fauzan Saari on Unsplash

Having a fixed mindset means you believe your abilities are innate, while having a growth mindset means you believe you can acquire a greater ability if you invest the effort and study.


Derek Sivers writes, “In a fixed mindset, you believe “She’s a natural born singer” or “I’m just no good at dancing.”

In a growth mindset, you believe “Anyone can be good at anything.” Skill comes only from practice.

In a fixed mindset, you want to hide your flaws so you’re not judged or labeled a failure.

In a growth mindset, your flaws are just a TO-DO list of things to improve.

In a fixed mindset, you stick with what you know to keep up your confidence.

In a growth mindset, you keep up your confidence by always pushing into the unfamiliar, to make sure you’re always learning.

In a fixed mindset, you look inside yourself to find your true passion and purpose, as if this is a hidden inherent thing.

