Cemetery in Zagreb, Croatia

3 Lessons About Values, Happiness and Understanding Yourself

Tomas Vyšniauskas
4 min readJan 8, 2017


Please raise your hand if you have ever heard or felt an inner voice inside you.

That was easy, wasn’t it? Now answer honestly — have you ever neglected your inner voice? Have you ever wanted not to hear it..?

That happened to me many times. And I didn‘t even understand that I was neglecting my inner voice.

I want to tell you 3 short stories.


Me flying over Andaman Sea (Thailand) with a Lithuanian flag

You probably already know that you must identify your highest values. Besides that, you have to disperse them among other people, so that they can be returned to you.

I always knew that I like personal freedom. Especially knowing that I was born just after my country broke free from a torturing Soviet occupation. Whether it’s about freely expressing myself through art, living anywhere in the world or just flying free with a paraglider — it all seems natural for me.

But only by going through Dr. Demartini’s value identification process I understood that freedom is not just a hobby — it’s my highest value out of all.

And I would never try to take freedom away from others. I never ask my teammates to work from 9 to 5 if they don’t want to, and I always encourage people to think independently.

You only get freedom to yourself by spreading freedom to others — that‘s how the Universe works.

I finally stopped corrupting my most important decisions with rational thought. When making decisions, now I just try to feel whether it leads to more freedom or not — that‘s how I choose which way to go. This way you can never be wrong, because you act in harmony with your highest values. Just go and find them.


Inside a temple in Bagan, Myanmar

Life can look like a roller coaster ride: with up & downs, joy & pain. But it’s not true. That is just dispersions and contractions — the way the Universe works.

My biggest eye-opening revelation so far was that there’s no point in seeking pleasure. Everything must come to balance in the end, so if you go too far one way, you will fall from a very high altitude. It can be deadly.

When I finally opened my heart to accept pain and stopped chasing happiness — I became happier than ever. It sounds contradictory, but it just came naturally, without any conscious effort.

That‘s how you become unstoppable. No matter how much you plan for your life, if you‘re just chasing pleasure — life will hit you hard. You will think that the whole world turned against you. But that‘s not true. Be open to pain and you will achieve any goal you want while still feeling fulfilled.


I visualize myself as a big mushroom. The cap is me. Open for everything and connected to the whole universe, growing larger and larger. The stem is my body — the physical me. I take care of my body so that it can do anything that the Universe asks for.

Naturally, my mission is simple — to help 100 million people on this planet.

It can be mindblowing for your brain, but not for the real You. Embrace this fact and think for yourself — what is your mission on this planet?

I am searching for people with whom we can do wonders together.

I want to express my gratitude for Dr. Demartini, with whom I had the opportunity to meet and chat in person in Sydney, Australia. His teaching helped me a lot. Having good mentors is essentially important in our lives. I wish you to never stop learning and always listen to your inner voice.

