Self-Hosted Monitoring Made Easy with Uptime Kuma

Tomer Klein
3 min readOct 31, 2023



In the world of IT, keeping a watchful eye on the systems we manage is crucial. This becomes even more important with the rising use of smart home systems, where monitoring internal network components is essential. Uptime Kuma, a powerful open-source monitoring system, provides a convenient and straightforward way to monitor various environments and receive alerts in case of issues.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the installation and initial setup of Uptime Kuma. We’ll cover essential steps, including Docker container installation, setting up security, and configuring various monitors to ensure a robust monitoring system for your network.

How to Set Up Uptime Kuma: A Step-by-Step Guide

step 1: Installation

To simplify the installation process, we recommend using Docker containers. Follow these steps to get started:

Edit your docker-compose.yaml and insert the following code:

# Simple docker-compose.yml
# You can change your port or volume location

version: '3.3'

image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1
container_name: uptime-kuma
- ./uptime-kuma-data:/app/data
- 3001:3001 # <Host Port>:<Container Port>
restart: always

Make sure to set the volume and ports with your own configuration and run the following command to install the container:

docker-compose up -d

Step 2: Initial Configuration

Upon the first login, you will see the following screen:

Choose your preferred system language and set a strong username and password. If you plan to expose the system outside your network, ensure a robust password.

Your Uptime Kuma system is now ready, but there are no active monitors.

Step 3: Security Configuration — Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Uptime Kuma offers the option for two-factor authentication, a recommended security measure, especially when exposing the system outside the network. Here’s how to enable it:

Navigate to the “Security” tab and click on “2FA Settings.”

Enter your current password and click “Enable 2FA.”

Scan the provided QR code and enter the code to synchronize 2FA and activate it.

Click “Verify Token” and, if correct, click “Save.” You’ll then be asked to confirm enabling two-factor authentication.

Step 4: General Settings

Under “General Settings,” configure various options related to time zones, search engine visibility, default pages, and more. One crucial setting here is specifying the main URL of the system. This URL is essential for passive monitoring as the system generates a link to trigger the monitor.

Now, your new monitoring server is up and running. Are you ready to start monitoring your network?


Setting up Uptime Kuma, a self-hosted monitoring tool, is a straightforward process that involves Docker container installation, initial configuration, and security settings. This guide ensures that your network monitoring is ready to go, providing you with the peace of mind that your systems are under a watchful eye.



Tomer Klein

🚀 C#/Python Developer crafting IoT magic, fueled by open source passion. Smart homes whisperer, code contributor, and tech explorer. 🌟