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What does the future hold?

Tom Floris


̶2̶0̶2̶2̶, 2023.

My 2023 will be defined by what I have to offer to the world. Output instead of input. Producing instead of absorbing. I don’t believe in good intentions for the new year, change comes when you are ready for it, not on a set date. Work hard every day to make your dreams come true. Live in the now, work for tomorrow.

The last few years have been characterized by input, taking in information regarding a vast range of topics. the upcoming years will be characterized by output, producing. I took all I learned and applied it to my own life, it’s time to share what I learned and help you transform your life to become the best version of yourself.

I’ve tried my hand at writing blog-posts in the beginning of this year but I lacked a vision, goal and preparation. This resulted in a situation where I had no motivation to continue. What my key take-away from this situation was is that relying on motivation will certainly result in failure. I reviewed this situation and compared it to positive habits I have in my life. The big difference here I found to be the why. Why have I’ve been able to consistently show up and make steady progress in certain areas? It has been my why.

Being clear on why I focused on doing what I do removed the feeling of motivation and willpower and turned it into a brainless habit that I just do. I exercise because it makes me feel amazing and confident. I eat healthy because it makes me feel amazing and allows for a clear mind. I meditate because it makes me feel amazing and focused. I study because I know I need to become more knowledgeable if I’m to achieve the ambitions I aspire to. I’m learning Spanish because my family in law is from Colombia. I wake up early because it gives me a feeling of empowerment and control over my day. I’m tracking progress because it allows me to review what is working and what requires more attention. I set goals because it propels me forward in life. I write these blog-posts because it teaches me how to write, produce and be creative. I make time available every morning to schedule all aforementioned individual areas of my life to ensure I maximize the time I have available and dedicate the right amount of hours required to achieve success.

A technique I’ve been using to use my time wisely behind my computer is the Pomodoro technique, work for 25 minutes without distractions followed by a 5 minute break. I make sure I know what I will be working on before I start the Pomodoro to ensure an unbroken flow of productivity. Being disciplined while using this technique has allowed me to get all the work done in 2 hours where it used to take me all day or even several days. It beats procrastination and turns being productive into a habit that doesn’t require willpower or motivation. Scheduling Pomodoros allows you to just show up and get the work done. Don’t check your phone, don’t check your email, be assertive when you’re interrupted by someone and tell them you will have time for them in 25 minutes (or less, depending on where your Pomodoro is). Maximize the time you have available.

The last 4 months working on the Perma-culture farm gave me rhythm, one of the keys that was missing. Waking up every day at 06:00 gave me control over my time and having to work on the farm for the majority of the time gave me the realization that time is valuable. These 4 months gave me another confirmation that I can only hold myself responsible for what my future looks like. It is in these months that I have been applying everything I learned over the last few years into my personal life. This has been leading to results, being healthy, feeling energized, inspired, happy, and in control. Below I’ve listed a few items that have worked for me and I would like to teach to you.

  • Habits are certainly a topic I will cover in depth in the video course I’ll be creating, as showing up consistently is invaluable. Enforcing positive habits while eliminating bad habits are the key to building a better future for yourself. Defining where you want to go in life, figuring out what’s required for you to get there and taking smalls steps every single day towards your goal will lead to a fulfilled life. A life characterized by you taking control over your destiny.
  • Goal setting ties in perfectly with positive habits, deciding on the mountain you want to climb and knowing which path will get you to the summit. These steps are essential for achieving personal breakthroughs and accomplishing what you want in this life. Reaching sub-goals and milestones you set out for yourself provides a feeling of self-accomplishment and a reason for celebration.
  • Progress tracking creates a clear picture on what is working for you and which areas require more attention. It can be defining in understanding what you’re struggling with and allows for a pro-active approach to solving issues before they arise. Procrastination can be overcome by scheduling out your time, think upfront about what you set out to do so no time is lost during the time you have scheduled for your activities, whatever your activities are.
  • Planning your time will help declutter your mind. It allows for deeper focus while working on the activities you’ve set out for yourself, knowing you have prioritized and are realistically using your time. It alleviates stress and anxiety because it shows what you’re capable of and gives a sense of control. Realizing you have limited amount of time available in a day and wanting to make the most of every day will motivate you to maximize the 1440 minutes you have per day. Pomodoro is my best friend throughout my productive hours.
  • Meditation helps me start the day, every day, in a way where I feel empowered, energized and focused. I realign my intentions for the day with my aspirations for the future. I focus on being present through the breath and a body-scan. I focus on my future through visualization and manifestation. I practice gratitude for what I have in my life and knowing and understanding on a deep level that it’s enough. It’s a confirmation for the reasons I’m happy every single day and don’t let worry get the best of me.

The above mentioned topics of Habits, Goals, Progress-tracking, Planning and Meditation have greatly improved the amount of work I get done in a day and removes most decision fatigue from my life. I try to approach every single aspect in my life with a pro-active attitude. Streamline as much as I can, from the grocery list and foods I eat to the individual exercises I perform during my workouts. From the clothes I wear to the stuff I own. This helps me to stay focused, present and happy. I stick to proven and tested ways and methods. Foods and movements that have withstood the test of time.

Before I came to this point in my life where efficiency and effective methods of using time became important to me I first aimed to improve the basics for myself. Food, exercising and sleep. Without these core pillars there is no foundation to lay your future plans upon. I’m assuming the reason that I first told you about methods to make the most of your time is probably me taking these core pillars for granted. But that’s where it all starts!

I’m currently reviewing and puzzling all modules of the video course to provide content in a way that makes sense and can be picked up by everyone. The topics that will be covered will most probably include these:

  • Nutrition, with subtopics like: Fasting, macros, micros and how the external environment plays a huge role in dictating your consumption of food
  • Exercising, with subtopics like: Different types of exercising types like HIIT, strength and cardio
  • Mindful living, with subtopics like: Meditation, being present, and the breath
  • Resting, including sleep and leisure
  • Time management, including the subtopics I mentioned above: habits, goals, progress-tracking, planning and the Pomodoro
  • Body hacks, with aforementioned fasting and topics like cold exposure and breathwork

It’s a work in progress and I want to give every topic the attention it deserves. The plan is to write out different blog-posts about the topics and subtopics to get the factual information right and familiar myself with how to best tie everything in together. I want to relate all the topics to each other and create a cohesive final product with the goal of providing the best methods to becoming the best version of yourself. There is a long journey ahead of me but the goal is clear.

There are many obstacles on my road to success and moments of desperation to come, by practicing what I preach I will overcome these hurdles and provide the required proof to show you that this method works and you can become successful in whatever you set your mind to. That’s the plan.

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Tom Floris

Aspire to Inspire. Exploring new paths in life, sharing my experiences, living in the now. Writing blog posts as a means of research for my upcoming book!