Tom Hickner
1 min readDec 1, 2017


I have no idea what you’re points are. Users running nodes make a blockchain secure. Bigger block size+blockchain being spammed= more resources required to run a node. Therefore less people will run a node= network is less secure. I don’t know how else to explain that to you. I bring up satoshi dice because it was a clear example how easily the network could be spammed. Scientific approach to scaling is better than blindly adding bigger block sizes to the network. At scale, bitcoin needs layered solutions. Propagating block time, reducing transaction output sizes(segwit), lightning network and yes bigger block sizes which core may still soft fork in. BTW, SegWit is a block size increase and it reduces the size of TX outputs. SegWit is at 11.5% of transactions on the blockchain at the moment I’m writing this.

