How To Use Haters And Unsupportive People To Fuel Your Business.

Tom Hood
3 min readOct 22, 2019


If you are starting your own business online or somewhere else chances are you have or will have to deal with haters at sometime or another.

There is always that one person who for some reason or another does not like you and wants to see you fail. For example, I’m sure everyone at some point have posted something on Facebook and perhaps you got a lot of likes but that one person said something negative or nasty. Chances are you never forgot about it.

These types of people exist. They always seem to want to bring you down to their level. Some people just can’t stand to see other people do well it usually stems from a jealousy of others success or an envious attitude.

When dealing with a hater in your life always remember the saying “Our HATERS only make us GREATER.”

Let’s not forget that everyone has haters. It doesn’t matter who you are in life its very common to have someone who hates you. Almost anyone who starts a business or something challenging or worthwhile will have haters come out of the woodwork. You can even look at some of the most successful athletes in the world like Michael Jordan or Tom Brady. These guys are extremely successful and phenomenal athletes and even they have haters and crazy haters at that. So what does that say about you?

It says we all are going to have haters. One way to deal with haters is to love on them. Believe it or not this is sometimes the best solution. Some of these people have major inferiority complexes so if you choose to be nice to them they will be so blown away they won’t know how to react.

You can also use haters to fuel your business. If you use the haters as motivation to inspire you it will. For every person who says “your not good enough” or “you can’t do it” or “you don’t have the talent” use their negativity as motivation to prove them WRONG.

Every time you start your day you can use your haters as motivation to push you to achieve your goals. Let them be the fuel to your fire. Show them that you CAN and WILL succeed.

I personally have people in my family who I know don’t believe in me and don’t think I will ever be successful. I choose to use it as motivation to show them their wrong. Don’t succumb to the negativity but rise above it and let it be the wind in your sails that propels you to greatness.

You can also use haters to reflect on your self and do some self examination. Maybe its possible they have a point or maybe have an argument. Let them keep you humble. Their hate and negativity can serve to give you an opportunity to exercise humility. You don’t even have to respond to them in some cases, you can just ignore them and move on. Sometimes just being the bigger man helps to show them that you are indeed taking the high road and proving to them you are the bigger person.

In closing, many times people just don’t see the vision you have for your life and they think you should be doing something else. Perhaps you have a giant goal or dream you are pursuing and a family member or friend does not believe in it. As mentioned before, just use it as motivation to prove to them you can do it. They may not see the vision but you have to follow your heart and dreams whether they like it or not. Big dreamers and entrepreneurs are not called to FIT IN but to STAND OUT and shine.

I hope you have enjoyed this article if so please feel free to leave a comment.

