Pay Attention to Positives Too!I made an interesting discovery that positive needs just as much attention.Aug 6, 20181Aug 6, 20181
Certainty of ChoiceIf life was a person, it will be a beautiful, wealthy and controlling Queen, very much aware of her high demand and incapable of loyalty to…Nov 15, 2016Nov 15, 2016
It Always Gets BetterOut of habit, I reached for my phone to glance through the updates on my BBM feeds. His, was the second. The blue suit and red bow tie…Nov 12, 2016Nov 12, 2016
Two Floors Up and Three BalconiesIt’s my first Medium experience - as a writer, and my first article after a very long break. Well not for lack of trying. A lot always goes…Nov 7, 20161Nov 7, 20161