9 signs you’re not drinking enough water.

Tomi Alo
4 min readJul 8, 2022


Dehydration is when you consume or lose more fluids than you take in, leaving your body with insufficient water and other fluids to perform its usual tasks. This can cause your body to perform less actively and efficiently than it should.

So how do you know if you are dehydrated? You might be surprised to know that the signs of dehydration are not always as obvious as you might think.

In fact, many people go through their day feeling mildly dehydrated without even realizing it. This can lead to health problems down the road if left unchecked.

The good news is that dehydration is easy to remedy. All it takes is making sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day.

Here are some signs that will tell if you are not drinking enough water, or dehydrated, and some tips on how to stay hydrated.

1. Constant Headaches:

If you’re feeling dehydrated, one of the most common symptoms is a headache. Dehydration can cause blood vessels to dilate, putting extra pressure on your head and leading to a throbbing sensation. If your headaches are constant, you should try increasing the amount of water you consume every day.

2. Constipation:

If you’re struggling with constipation, it’s a good sign that you’re not drinking enough water. When you’re dehydrated, your body pulls water from your colon, which can cause constipation and other digestive problems. This can also cause you to have a bloated stomach as water helps during the digestive process. So if you’re having trouble going to the bathroom, make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

3. Dry Skin:

If you’re finding that your skin is feeling drier than usual, it could be a sign that you’re dehydrated. When you’re dehydrated, your body isn’t able to produce enough moisture, which can lead to dryness, flakiness, and a general feeling of tightness. Dehydration can also contribute to other skin problems like dull skin tone.

4. Bad Breath:

You might be dehydrated if you have bad breath. When you’re dehydrated, your saliva production decreases, which can lead to bad breath. In fact, one of the most common symptoms of dehydration is bad breath. If you’re experiencing other symptoms of dehydration and you also have bad breath, it’s likely that you’re not drinking enough water.

5. Dizziness:

If you’re feeling dizzy, it’s definitely a sign that you’re dehydrated. When you’re dehydrated, your body isn’t getting the fluids it needs to function properly. This can cause blood flow to slow down, which can lead to lightheadedness and dizziness.

6. Fatigue:

If you’re feeling tired all the time, one of the first things you should check is your hydration levels. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of fatigue, and it’s easily remedied by drinking more water.

7. Dark Circles Under Your Eyes:

If you are chronically dehydrated, one of the first signs will be dark circles under your eyes. This is because when you are dehydrated, your body starts to pull water from your tissues, including the thin skin under your eyes. As the skin gets drier, it becomes less translucent and the dark circles become more visible.

8. You Get Sick Often:

You seem to be catching every cold that’s going around. Or maybe you have a never-ending case of strep throat. What’s the deal?

Chances are, you might be dehydrated. When you’re dehydrated, your body has to work harder to function, and as a result, it’s not as strong as it should be to fight off infection.

9. Heat or Fever:

Many people make the mistake of thinking that a fever is their body’s way of trying to fight off an illness. The truth is that a fever is the body’s natural defense mechanism for fighting infection. Your body creates more heat to kill bacteria before it can spread through your system. Drinking enough water can help you stay hydrated and cool down, making your fever less intense and decreasing the risk of dehydration.

Tips on how to stay hydrated:

  1. Drink at least eleven to twelve cups of water every day.
  2. Don’t wait till you’re thirsty to drink water. We should attempt to drink as much as possible every day.
  3. Try replacing that beverage or energy drink with just water. This is because these drinks can boost the heart rate and blood pressure, as well as promote dehydration and restlessness.
  4. Set up a reminder on your phone to drink water so you don’t forget.
  5. Drink half a cup of water before any meal, especially if it has been a good amount of time since your last meal.



Tomi Alo

Just a bibliophile and curious soul exploring and sharing her thoughts about life.