Who are Batushka?

Elder breathon
2 min readFeb 11, 2020


In the year 2015 the Black Metal world had become even more interesting. The Polish band Batushka had recorded an album which was quite revolutionary.
Its name - 'Litourgiya’. But after some time the band disputed and two Batushka’s were formed. Today we’ll take a look at all versions of this band.

The original Batushka

Formed in the year 2015 this Polish band has suprised the Black Metal scene. They have managed to stand out with their unique approach to Eastern European Orthodox chants that you can hear in such churches. The members also wore robes like monks and masks that were there to make their true identities unknown.

In the same year they created the legendary album ‘Litourgiya’ which includes the haunting clean vocals and many more things you’ll find in an Orthodox church. Combining all elements, the riffs and the atmosphere, you get an album that probably become one of the most known albums in the future.

Now we have two Batushka’s

Many people have already talked about why there are now two Batushka’s. Therefore I won’t write about why there are two bands with the same name.

Batushka - Варфоломей

Варфоломей and his version of Batushka recorded in 2019 a record named ‘Hospodi’. It has a few good songs in it but it tries in them too much to sound like the debut and fails. And the other ones are more than mediocore.

Батюшка - Христофор

This version of Batushka by Христофор also recorded an album. Its name is Панихида. What can be noticed immediatly is that it has more in common of the debut compared to 'Hospodi’. The choir is not as prominent and it seems like the mix isn’t perfect like in the first album. It also feels rushed. I think if it was given more time and all previous were still in the same band it could’ve been a lot better.

This was now a little blog about the Polish Black Metal band Batushka that gained many fans from around the world.

Here are the albums you need to know

Batushka - Litourgiya


Batushka - Hospodi


Батюшка - Христофор




Elder breathon

I'm into Metal but I also like other music genres. Therefore I share with you unique artists from around the world.