When in Holland, You Do Not Want To Be Called ‘Bokito’. Here’s Why.

How the escape of a gorilla still resonates in Dutch language

Tom Janssen
4 min readOct 2, 2020

Back in 2007, it was one of the year’s most remarkable stories: The escape of gorilla Bokito from Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. On May 18th, Bokito jumped over the ditch that surrounded his turf, made his way into the stunned public and wounded a woman severely. Not long after, Bokito was captured, still on zoo territory. The escape made a lasting impression on the Dutch culture and language. Nowadays, the name ‘Bokito’ has a deeper meaning…

In 2007, Bokito was a young and eager male gorilla, who was out to make a name for himself. Not by escaping by any means, but for sure he was the up and coming man within the gorilla population in Blijdorp Zoo. He was just 11 years old, but someone to behold. A huge, strong and already majestic animal, on his way to become the alpha in his group.

His escape had little to do with his rise within the ranks of the gorilla population. Yes, he had the instinct to protect the group to which he belonged. And yes, his eagerness could made him a bit agressive. But in the hours before the escape he was bullied by some visitors, who threw…



Tom Janssen

Writer | Loves The Wonderful World Of Football. Based in The Netherlands.