Artifact of teaching: Learning experience: Work together to come up with a game!

Tom McFarlane
3 min readOct 2, 2020


This learning experience is promoting physical activity and students being able to use the equipment provided for them to collaborate and come up with a fun game, and students will all get a chance to quickly play each others game and jot down how the physical activity and collaborating with peers made them feel. Through this and one more blog post we will detail a plan on how the students will come together and be physically active in the school, and will teach them potential ways to be active while they are on break and in turn can take what they learn and apply it when they are outside of school.

Dudley et al. (2018 ,pg 16) notes the ‘benefits of participation in HPE are numerous, studies have indicated that in recent decades there has been a gradual decline in children’s fitness standards, increased dropout rates and insufficient access to physical activity opportunities in Australia.’ From this, we can see it is highly important students figure out ways they can be physically active in school.

Introduction: Collaboration and physical activity:

Collaboration among peers is very important when growing up in primary school, students need to learn to work together as it will prepare them for collaboration in the real world. At the start of the experience, students (25 students) will be put into three groups, from there we will discuss ways we can be physically active in the playground, basketball or tennis courts in the school.

Then we will introduce our topic of coming up with a game:

The teacher will discuss benefits of being physically active, such examples include:

Warm up — Student’s will have ten minutes to roam around to discover ideas of ways they can be active, and how they can apply that to playing a fun game with their classmates

Students will work together to come up with a fun, physically active game they can play together in their groups

Once students are done they will collaborate in their groups for ideas, and test potential games they can play. The game can be anything, as long as it is fun and the students are physically active and nobody gets left out!

There will be lots of equipment provided for the students to use as materials to come up with their game:

Potential equipment students could use

Potential ideas will be provided by the educators if students are having trouble coming up with a game

  • Ball sports (game of basketball)
  • Relay races
  • Physical activity circuit on the playground
  • Ball games
  • Capture the flag
  • Tag


Dudley, D, Telford A, Peralta, L, Stonehouse, C, Winslade, M, 2018, Teaching quality health & physical education, Cengage Learning Australia, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

