The How Things Work VR Experience (Udacity Nanodegree) pt. 1

Tom Meredith
2 min readAug 1, 2017




12 years old
“I love video games. If I could learn while playing… that’d be awesome.
Jax is motivated by taking things apart and playing video games. Intentional learning isn’t really his strong suit.”
VR Experience: He’s played around with his friend’s Oculus.

How accessible would each VR platform be to your target student in terms of price? Take into account location, age, and income.

Jax sometimes has access to a high-end VR system at a friend’s place, but they probably won’t be using it for learning. He would be able to get a cardboard viewer and use his parent’s phone. His parent’s both use iPhones, so the Daydream and Gear aren’t options.

How interactive does your lesson need to be? For example, do I need to pick things up or could I get away with just looking at objects?

6 DOF would be the best for a “taking things apart” experience. But, it could still be enjoyed with a point and click system as well.

How realistic do your visuals need to be in order to teach? For example, could I use 2D images and videos in a 3D Environment or do you need high poly 3D models

Better learning would happen with more interaction. Imagine being able to take a “Thing” apart by grabbing it, and then trying to put it back together again. But, a click and explode system would also be usable within the experience.

Does my student need to feel like a participant in the experience or can they be a passive viewer? Could they be both?

Higher end graphics would be a more immersive learning experience. But, they're not required. The user could still learn with simpler models.
It would be best if the student had to engage with the experience. I think a passive learning experience would lead to boredom and daydreaming… not of the Google variety.

Given the answers above, what are potential platforms you could use for your experience?

Google Cardboard is the best balance between user experience and accessibility.

