Joseph Fahrbach

Tom Moore
19 min readJul 10, 2017

By Tom Moore

Joseph Fahrbach was the eldest of a group of musical brothers from Vienna who were successful enough during the nineteenth century that all four (Joseph, Friedrich, Philipp, and Anton merit entries in the most recent edition of the standard musical encyclopedia in German, MGG. All four were flutists. Joseph was born in Vienna on August 25, 1804. He began his career in Vienna as first flutist in the Court Opera Theater (1839–1841), presumably receiving his training from his father, who had left Wurttemberg for Vienna, Georg Leonhardt Fahrbach. We are lucky to have an extensive description of his career, along with a large-format portrait, published in 1877 in the Illustriertes Wiener Extrablatt.

The Extrablatt tells us:

Yesterday Joseph Fahrbach, member of the Hofmusikkapelle, formerly Regimental-Kapellmeister, celebrated his golden anniversary.

Joseph Fahrbach was the sole music teacher for his three younger brothers: Friedrich, Philip and Anton. Engaged as first flutist in the Court Opera Theater from April 1, 1839 until the end of July 1841, he then began as Kapellmeister in the Infantry Regiment of the Line, no. 45, and after three years, began the same position in the Infantry Regiment of the Line no. 4 Archduke Albrecht, in which he, in March 1848, during the outbreak of the Revolution in Italy experienced the catastrophe of the fall of the Italian garrison in Cremona, and found himself naturally among the small number of those remaining faithful. They were certainly assured safe passage to Austria, but were treasonously overcome on the march by insurgents on the night of March 25–26 near Desenzano, and taken prison to Brescia, and then brought to Milan on May 3. In Milan a frightful reception had been prepared by the raging population, and they could only with great difficulty be rescued by the gendarmerie escorting them.

In Milan, Kapellmeister Joseph Fahrbach was imprisoned in the castle, and his spouse with his six children and a serving girl kept hostage in the St Margherita barracks.

On June 13, 1848 he was brought, with his family, through Como and Chiavenna, to the Swiss border, and from there on given over to his destiny. After an exhausting journey, he arrived with his family on July 12, 1848, in his native city of Vienna. In the winter of 1848–1849 he played a flute concerto to great applause in a concert at the theater in Olmütz [Olomouc] arranged by Jos. Geiger for the benefit of wounded Austrian soldiers.

He served as clerk for almost nine years in the administrative offices of the Lady Archduchess Sophie, and by the resolution of July 5, 1857 was named as flutist of the Hofmusikkapelle, in which position he continues to be hale and hearty, and is continually composing and teaching.

In addition to the methods that he has written for flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, flugelhorn, horn, and trumpet there are many other compositions, principally intended for pedagogy, which have been printed.

Joseph Fahrbach was born on August 25, 1804, in Vienna, and is a holder of the War Medal, which, certainly together with his former student, the Baron Wertheim, who is much stronger in the chest, does not say much. But what difference does that make, if one is only healthy, and as the picture shows, can freshly and merrily celebrate one’s golden anniversary.

There is also a briefer notice in the second edition of the Fétis Biographie Universelle, including a selected works list.

FAHRBACH Joseph, German flutist and composer, born at Vienna, August 25, 1804. He early became a distinguished flutist, was the leader of a dance orchestra, and became known through the publication of great number of genre pieces for flute and various wind instruments, and of pieces of dance music. Among the compositions by Joseph Fahrbach, we note the following:

1 Oboe method, op 27;

2 Divertissements for flute and piano, op 30 et 31;

carnaval: valses, polkas, and mazurkas op 32 33 34 35 and 36;

Une Botte de fleurs, suites of valses op 37 38 39 40 41 et 42;

Sur les Alpes, fantaisie pour flûte op 43;

Variations de concert for two flutes, with piano, on Un Ballo in Maschera, op 56;

Two fantasies for flute, violin, and piano, on the same opera, op. 64;

Feuilleton musical — periodical collection of fantasy-studies for flute on operatic themes (34 pieces published), op 20;

Revue théâtrale- periodical collection of elegant fantasies for two flutes on operatic themes(52 pieces published), op 15;

Musée théâtral — elegant fantasies for flute and oboe on operatic themes, op. 28 and 29;

The Two Virtuosos, elegant fantasies for flute and clarinet on operatic themes, op. 57;

The Musical Telegraph, periodical collection of potpourris for flute, clarinet (or oboe) and bassoon on operatic themes, op. 21;

Trio for three flutes; op 58;

Two fantasies for 3 flutes on Aida, op. 78;

Two fantasies for 4 flutes on Aida, op. 60;

Two fantasies for clarinets on Un Ballo in Maschera; etc etc.

Perhaps the earliest detailed notice of Fahrbach is that of Schilling, published in his Musikalische Europa in 1842. By this point, Fahrbach had already entered military service.

Fahrbach Joseph, born in Vienna, 25 August 1804, flute virtuoso, music teacher, and guitarist, can mostly credit his knowledge to his unceasing enthusiasm, for his impoverished parents were in no condition to provide instruction for the talented boy. He presently holds a position as flutist at the Court Opera Theater in Vienna. About 10 of his compositions have been published, including a modern Viennese Flute Method.

Gretchen Clements traces Fahrbach’s early career in her dissertation providing the Viennese context for the Schubert Trockne Blumen variations[1]. His first recorded performance was in September 1828, and his first solo concert is in March 1829, by which time he is referred to as the first flutist at the Theater in der Josefstadt, and performed a concerto of his own composition, which evidently does not survive. By 1835 he is soloist at the Theater an der Wien (referred to as such on the title pages for his opp. 6–7), and finally becomes first flute at the Kärtnertor Theater.

All of his published compositions through op. 12 are issued in Vienna. Presumably the transition to publishing with Ricordi in Milan came along with his military service, 1841–1848.

We have reports of musical activity in Cremona published in the Bazar di Bazar di novita artistiche, letterarie e teatrali, Volume 4 (Dec. 24, 1844) and Volume 5 (April 1845):

On the evening of the ninth of the present month [Dec. 1844] the highly praised military band of the Infantry Regiment no. 4 “Archduke Albert”, trained and directed by the tireless and excellent Signor Fahrbach of Vienna played various select pieces in the orchestra of the theater, and was honored with repeated and clamorous applause. On this occaions there was also a symphony by the brilliant noble maestro Ruggero Manna, which, full of rare beauties, and performed masterfully, was considerably enjoyed by listeners, and noisily applauded. ……

On the evening of the 25th [March 25, 1845] there took place, in the Teatro Filodrammatico, the drawing for the lottery to benefit orphanages granted by the gracious Sovereign. The theater was decorated in very good taste, the illumination was brilliant, the attendance was very numerous and select. The band of the illustrious infantry regiment no. 44, which has as its director Signor Giuseppe Fahrbach from Vienna, through the gracious concession of the illustrious count Wimpfsen, performed, on this joyful occasion, new and select pieces of music, which were much enjoyed and praised. There were also choruses of little children who amazed everyone with how well they performed. ……

The publications from Op. 15 until Op. 43 are published in Milan by Ricordi. The collections beginning with Op. 44 are published in Vienna (op. 44, Spina), Mainz (Op. 45, Schott), Berlin (op. 46, Schlesinger), Magdeburg (op. 47, op. 49, Heinrichshofen), and Offenbach (op. 48, André). The transition between Ricordi and this spate of German/Austrian publishers takes place in about 1856, with the op. 43 (Ricordi) dating to that year, and op. 44, from about 1857.

From 1848 until 1857 (the nine years mentioned by the Extrablatt), Fahrbach is employed as secretary for the Archduchess Sophie (mother of Emperor Franz Joseph), and is finally appointed flutist of the Hofmusikkapelle in 1857.

Very few of the publications among his extensive production have yet been digitized, and only a handful published in modern editions. Two early pedagogical held in the Music Collection of the Austrian National Library are the 30 Préludes in All Keys, op. 6, and the Most Modern Viennese Flute Method, op. 7. The former presents scales and cadenzas systematically moving first upwards by fifths from C major and its relative minor as far as C-sharp major, and then moving downwards from F major all the way to C-flat major and its relative minor. This is uncommon (though not unheard of) in pedagogical literature before this date (1834), but its context becomes clear with the flute method (also 1834), which does not address any of the previous designs of the flute, most of which still were in use throughout Europe, from the one-key flute, through the four-key, five-key (the preferred instrument of Tulou at the Conservatory in Paris), six-key, and eight-key (probably the most common professional flute), or even the newly-invented Boehm flute. Instead, he only discusses the Viennese instrument (which in “its present perfection, which seems to have reached its culmination point, leaves nothing more to be desired”) and specifically recommends the instruments made by H.H. Ziegler and Koch. His diagram shows an instrument with thirteen keys, extending down to low B natural, and including a high A key, a C trill key, and short and long keys not only for F (usual), but also for B-flat, G-sharp, and E-flat.

He takes the student through whole-note scales in all the keys in precisely the same order as in the op. 6 preludes, with accompaniments for the teacher in good Viennese counterpoint, and then moves on to thirds, fourths, fifths, etc. in half-notes. What is visibly not present in the method is any discussion or presentation of actual musical works (as is usually the case in French methods, for example). The focus is exclusively technical.

Modern readers might be put off, conceivably, by the series title for Fahrbach’s op. 49, published at least twenty-five years later, which is “Folk Songs transcribed for a Flute”. This series of twenty-four little pieces, on the evidence of volumes 3 and 8, digitized at the Bavarian State Library, offers what the French might call a “fantaisie” — a prelude, theme, variation of the theme, and a lively finale. In France, of course, it would be more likely that the subject of the music would be a popular romance or operatic cavatina (even Fahrbach’s op. 49 includes the popular “Last Rose of Summer”, “Nach Sevilla”, “Schöne Minka”, as well as the national anthems of Austria, Russia, and England.

Works list:

[Variationen über eine oesterreichische Volksmelodie : für die Flöte mit Begleitung des Pianoforte : Op. 2] Flauto / [Anton Fahrbach] [Wien] : [Spina], [1858?] Plate number C.S. 16,334


OP 2

Whistling Handbuch:

Intr et Var brill av Pf Op 2 in G Wien Diabelli et C 45

OP 3

Op. 3. Theoretisch-practische Flöten-Triller-Schule zum Selbstunterricht alle nur möglich vorkommende Triller mit ihren Nachschlägen in allen Tonarten richtig und rein vorzutragen.

Wien : A. Pennauer

OeNB Musiksammlung.

Listed as new in 1830 (Cäcilia, vol. 13)

OP 5

Introduction und Variationen: für die Flöte mit Begleitung des Pianoforte : über den beliebten Trauer-Walzer von Fr. Schubert : 5tes Werk. Wien, Diabelli.

NMI, The Hague

Whistling Handbuch:

Intr et Var Trauerwalzer von Schubert av Pf Op 5 in C Wien Diabelli et C

OP 6

Op. 6. 30 Preludes dans tous les Tons pour la Flute composees et dediees a … Cesar de Boccella. Vienne: Diabelli.

OeNB Musiksammlung.


These are listed as a new issue in I-Blatt for April 1834 (AMZ vol. 36)

OP 7

Op. 7. Neueste Wiener Flöten-Schule.

Wien: Ant. Diabelli.

OeNB Musiksammlung; Newberry Library.


Systematisch-chronologische Darstellung der musikalischen …, Volume 1

By Carl Ferdinand Becker

(date: 1834 for op. 7)

still listed as new in Der Wanderer (1835)

Neueste Wiener Flöten-Schule: 7tes Werk. Wien, C.A. Spina.

SUNY Buffalo

Neueste Wiener Flöten-Schule : 7tes Werk / von Jos. Fahrbach

Hamburg [u.a.] : Cranz, [ca. 1860]


OP 8

Einleitung und Variationen : für die Flöte mit Begleitung des Piano-Forte ; 8tes Werk

Wien: Haslinger.

Wienbibliothek Musikdrucke.

Large ad in : Allgemeiner musikalischer Anzeiger, Volume 7 (August 1835)

p. 136. JF is described as “ersten Flötisten des kk priv Theaters an der Wien”.

Listed in Musikalisch-literarischer Monatsbericht über neue Musikalien, musikalische … (Sept. 1835):

Einleitung und Variationen f. Flöte mit Begl. D. Pf Op 8 in D Wien Haslinger

Reviewed in AMZ (March 1836):

Einleitung und Variationen für die Flöte mit Begl des Pianof comp von Joseph Fahrbach erstem Flötisten des к k priv Theaters an der Wien 8tes Werk Wien bei Tob Haslinger Pr 16 Gr

Ein ähnliches Bravourstück wie das vorige das geübten Flötisten zusagen wird Nach heikömmlicher Introduction sind auf ein Walzerthema 5 Variationen gebaut denen ein Finalsatz folgt der die meiste Bravour verlangt.

OP 9

Uebungsstücke für eine Flöte ; Etüden, Fl op. 9 ; als Ergänzungsband zur neuesten Wiener Flötenschule ; 9tes Werk. Wien: Spina.

Heft 2–3

OeNB Musiksammlung.

1. Uebungsstücke für eine Flöte. Wien ; 1862 ; ([1862]). — 35 S.

D. et C. №6018

U der Künste Berlin

2. Uebungsstücke für eine Flöte. 15 Uebungsstücke in allen Dur Tonarten. Wien ; [1862] ; 18 S.

Plate number: C.S. 17321

U der Künste Berlin

3. Uebungsstücke für eine Flöte. 15 Uebungsstücke in allen Moll Tonarten. Wien ; [1862] ; 18 S.

Plate number: C.S. 17322

U der Künste Berlin

OP 11

Modulationen ; oder: Übergänge ; für 1 Flöte ; 11. Werk. Wien ; Diabelli

Plate number: 6465


OP 12

Musikalisch-literarischer Monatsbericht über neue Musikalien, musikalische (Oct. 1838) … p. 131

Fahrbach Jos Introduction und Variationen über ein beliebtes Thema aus dem Ballet Der Kobold von Reuling für Flöte m Begl d Pfte Op 12 in G Wien Diabelli u Co l Fl

OP 15?

Catalogue of the Universal Circulating Musical Library: With Supplement:

Fahrbach J The first Lessons for Beginners Op 15

OP 15


Cah 1 3 Bellini Montecchi e Capuleti à 3 Zr 50c

Cah 4 7 Donizetti Marino Faliero à 6

Cah 8 9 Verdi Oberto Conte di St Bonifacio à 6 r 50 c

Cah 10 11 Donizetti La Favorita à 6 r

Cah 12 13 Pacini Saffo à 6 r

Cah 14 15 Donizetti Maria Padilla à 6

Cah 16 17 Ricci Corrado d Altamura à 6\

(from Whistling Handbuch 1845 ed)

Fahrbach Jos Op 15 Revue théâtrale Collection de Fantaisies élégantes sur des Motifs fav des nouv Opéras No 41 44 Verdi Il Trovatore Mailand Ricordi No Ä Ä No 2 Ä à 6 r

Revue Théâtrale. Collection périodique de fantaises élégantes pour deux Flûtes. №51, 52.


Many listed in SBN.lT (highest number is 52)

Fahrbach Jos Op 20 Feuilleton musical Collection de Motifs les plus fav de nouveaux Opéras Cah 23 26 Verdi Il Trovatore Mailand Ricordi Cah 23 4 Cah 24 25 à 3 r Cah 26 4 r

Feuilleton Musical. Collection périodique de fantaises — études … pour la Flûte. №33, 34. Milan

BL; volumes through 34 listed at SBN.

OP 21

Il telegrafo musicale : opera 21 : raccolta periodica di pot-pourris brillanti sopra motivi delle opere teatrali più recenti e più acclamate per flauto, clarinetto o oboe e fagotto / composti da Joseph Fahrbach. Milan: Giovanni Ricordi. 24 volumes at SBN.

Bib. Naz. Marciana, Venice.

This set is already mentioned in the Gazzetta di Firenze, no. 96 (August 12, 1843).

OP 28

Fantaisie sur les motifs favoris de l’Opéra I Lombardi de J. Verdi, Op. 28 / composée pour flûte et hautbois par Joseph Fahrbach. Milan: Jean Ricordi.

Musée théâtral : collection périodique de fantaisies élégantes pour flûte et hautbois sur le motifs les plus favoris de nouveaux opéras / composées par Joseph Fahrbach; 1.

Bib. Naz. Marciana, Venice.

OP 29

Fantaisie sur les motifs favoris de l’Opéra Ernani de J. Verdi, Op. 29 / composée pour flûte et hautbois par Joseph Fahrbach. Milan: Jean Ricordi.

Musée théâtral : collection périodique de fantaisies élégantes pour flûte et hautbois sur le motifs les plus favoris de nouveaux opéras / composées par Joseph Fahrbach; 2.

Bib. Naz. Marciana, Venice.

Op 30–31

Due divertimenti per flauto e pianoforte op. 30 e 31 / composti da G. Fahrbach. Milano : Giovanni Ricordi.

Plate numbers: 23461–23462

Bib. C.M. Luca Marenzio, Brescia; Bib. C.M. G. Verdi, Milan.

Op 32–33–34–35- 36

Il carnevale : valzer, polke e mazurke per flauto e pianoforte / di Giuseppe Fahrbach. Milan: Giovanni Ricordi.

Plate numbers: 23494, 23495, 23496, 23497, 23498

Gli amoretti, op.32; I sentimentali, op.33; Polka n.1, op.34; Polka n.2, op.35; Tre mazurke, op.36

Bib. Naz. Marciana, Venice

OP. 37–42

Fahrbach Jos Un Mazzo di Fiori Valzer: Op 37 La Rose Op 38 Le Viole Op 39 Le Vaniglie Op 40 Le Verbene P 41 I Garofani Op 42 Le Camélie à 2 r Mailand Ricordi 12 Är

Fahrbach Giuseppe Un Mazzo di fiori Valzer per Flauto e Pianoforte di 6 Stück Nr 27699 27704 Fol 22 u 35 S Milano Tito di Gio Ricordi Firenze Ricordi e Jouhaud Mendrisio Pozzi

Verzeichnis sämmtlicher im Jahre 1855 in Deutschland und den …, Volume 4

And also mentioned in 1855 in Österreichische Blätter für Literatur und Kunst: 1855, p. 192.

No surviving copy?

OP 43

Sulle alpi : fantasia per flauto e pianoforte op.43 / di Giuseppe Fahrbach. Milano : G. Ricordi. Plate number: L. 27690L.

Bib. C.M. Luca Marenzio, Brescia; Bib. C.M. G. Verdi, Milan.

Earliest mention of this piece is in 1856.

OP 44

eine Sammlung von Fantasien, Variationen, etc. etc. Wien: Spina

No 1 Fantasie über Motive der Oper Les vêpres siciliennes von G Verdi

2 Jungmann Spaniers Ständchen

3 Eggnard J Chanson érotique

4 Döhler Nocturne

5 Strakosch Rêverie

6 Praschinger Chanson d amour

7 Jungmann Schäfer und Schäferin Idylle


“Spaniers Ständchen” von Albert Jungmann.

SBND; OeNB Musiksammlung; Bib. S. Cecilia, Rome.


Nocturne von Th. Döhler für die Flöte variirt, mit Pianoforte.


Reverie von M. Strakosch für die Flöte variirt, mit Pianoforte

und Schäferin : Idylle / von Albert Jungmann. [Variirt für die Flöte mit Begleitung des Pianoforte von Jos. Fahrbach]

Plate number: 12201

№2 is listed as new in

Österreichische Blätter für Literatur und Kunst no. 46 (Nov. 14, 1857)

OP 45

Fleurs mélodiques : collection de morceaux de salon / No 1. transcrits et variés pour flûte avec accompagnement de piano : op. 45 ; par J. Fahrbach.

Mayence : Schott, [18 — ].

Libris Consortium, Sweden

Fleurs mélodiques: collection morceaux de salon ; op. 45. 5, 5. London [u.a.], Schott.

transcrits et variés pour flûte avec accompagnement de piano par J. Fahrbach


Also: U of Melbourne Library.

6 vols.

№1 L’hirondelle et le prisonnier (op. 58) / Croisez, A. —
№2 Aubade (op. 42) / Schulhoff, J. —
№3 Nocturne (op. 8) / Boulanger, E. —
№4 Rêverie (op. 12) / Leybach, J. —
№5 Dernier souvenir (op. 31) / Ravina, H. —
№6 Pluie de Mai (op. 2) / Dupont, A.

Hofmeisters Handbuch, Vol. 6 (1868) p. 85

Op 45 Fleurs melodiques de Morceaux de Salon transcrits et varies av No 1 6 Mainz Schott a 1 Jg

No 1 Croisez A Op 58 L Hirondelle et le Pris sonier

2 Schulhoff J Op 42 Aubade

3 Boulanger E Op 8 Nocturne

4 Leybach J Op 12 Reverie

5 Ravina H Op 31 Dernier Souvenir

6 Dupont A Op 2 Pluie de Mai

OP 46

Fleurs musicales. Musikalische Blumenlese pour la Flûte avec accompagnement de Piano.

Berlin : Schlesinger

№3. Soldatenständchen.

OeNB Musiksammlung.

Musikal Blumenlese op 46


1 L Etoile du Nord Meyerbeer

2 Le Rossignol Kullak

3 Soldatenständchen

4 Wiegenlied

4 Taubert

5 Elégie italienne

6 O bitt euch liebe Vöge lein Gumbert

OP 47 Album für Flötenspieler Beliebte Piecen


1 Chwatal, Alpenklänge

2 Marschner, Glaubst du sie

3 Voss, Valse Caprice

4 Chwatal, Sehnsucht

5 Lindpaintner, Die Thräne, Var.

6 Im Lager Militairische Fantasie

№1–4 listed in Verzeichnis sämmtlicher im Jahre … in Deutschland und den …, Volume 7 (1858)

№1–5 listed in Handbuch der musikalischen Literatur; oder, Allgemeines …, Volume 5 (1860)

№6 already mentioned in Caecilia (vol. 16) , Aug 15, 1860.

Hofmeisters Handbuch, Vol. 6 (1868) p. 85

Op 47 Album für Flötenspieler Beliebte Piecen m No 6 Im Lager Militärische Fantasie Magdeburg Heinrichshofen 15 ffi

Whole set is listed in Verlags-Catalog der Heinrichshofen’schen Musikalien-Handlung in Magdeburg (Jan. 1869)

Glaubst du : Lied von H. Marschner. Magdeburg : Heinrichshofen, [18 — ?]

Linkoping Stadsbibliothek

Die Thräne: Lied von P. Lindpaintner : op. 47, no. 5. Magdeburg, Heinrichshofen.

Linkoping Stadsbibliothek

OP 48

Op 48 Abendunterhaltungen m Pfte No l 6 Offenbach Andre a 45 Sßt

No 1 Abt In den Augen liegt das Herz

2 Cramer H Le De sir

3 Fahrbach Schäfers Klagelied Idylle

4 Abt Schweizers Heimweh

5 Gumbert Wie mir’s im Herzen schwer

6 Fantaisie sur des Airs roumains


für Flöte mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, op. 48. Offenbach a/M : André, 1862-

Nos. 1-

OP 49

Volkslieder ; für 1 Floete übertr. ; 49. Werk (at least 24 individual volumes).

0p 49 Volkslieder f Fl ilbertr u arr

No 1 3 24 S Magdeburg Heinrichshofen ä Mk 0 40

1 Einsam bin ich, nicht alleine.

2 Nach Sevilla.

3 Vater, ich rufe dich!

4 Freudvoll und leidvoll.

5 Des sommers letzte Rose (Jrisch)

6 Das Dregespann (Russisch)

7 Steh’ ich in finsterer Mitternacht.

8 So viel Stern’ am Himmel stehen.

9 So leb denn wohl, du stilles haus.

10 ‘s Mailüfterl.

11 Das Bild der Rose.

12 Ruck, ruck, Mädele.

13 Wenn der Schnee von der Alma wega geht

14 Hoch vom Dachstein

15 Gaudeamus igitur

1H Mich fliehen alle Freuden

17 Schöne Minka ich muss scheiden

18 Prinz Eugen der edle Ritter

19 Es ritten drei Reiter

20 Wann i in der Früh aufsteh

21 Das Herzenleid

22 Oesterreichische Volks Hymne

23 Englische Volks Hymne

24 Russische Volks Hymne

Nos. 1–12 are already listed in Verzeichnis sämmtlicher im Jahre … in Deutschland und den …, Volume 10 (1861), p. 13.

These exact 12 melodies in the same sequence are used for Op. 54 by D. Krug (Volksliederalbum in leichten Style) (piano solo)

Nos. 13–24 are listed in Verzeichnis sämmtlicher im Jahre … in Deutschland und den …, Volume 24 (1875), p. 51.

And later in

Hofmeisters Handbuch der Musikliteratur, Volume 8 (1881)

OP 55

Première fantaisie sur les motifs favoris de l’opéra Les conjurés de François Schubert composée pour deux flutes par Joseph Fahrbach: oeuv. 55. [Leipzig], [Cranz](IS)..

Ala, Bib. Civica

OP 56

Variazioni di concerto : sopra motivi dell’opera un Ballo in maschera di G. Verdi : per due flauti con di pianoforte op.56 / Composte da Gius. Fahrbach. Milano : Tito di G. Ricordi. Plate number: 344394.

Bib. C.M. G. Verdi

OP 57

Les deux virtuoses : collection periodique de fantaisies elegantes : sur les motifs plus favoris des nouveaux operas pour flute et clarinette op.57 / Composees par J. Fahrbach. Milan : Titus Ricordi q.m Jean. Plate number: 34395

Un Ballo in maschera de Verdi : premiere fantaisie op.57 n.1

B.C.M. G. Verdi, Milan.

OP 58

Trio per tre flauti op.58 / Composto da Gius. Fahrbach. Milan: G. Ricordi. Plate number: 34397.

Bib. C. M. G. Verdi, Milan.

OP 63

Hofmeisters Handbuch, Vol. 6 (1868) p. 85

Op 63 Variationen üb bei Motive der Oper Un Ballo in maschera v Verdi m Pfte Magdeburg Heinrichshofen 1 f

OP 64

Due fantasie per flauto, violino e pianoforte : sopra motivi dell’opera un Ballo in maschera di G. Verdi op. 64 n.1 e n. 2 / Composte dal Giuseppe Fahrbach. Milan: Tito di G. Ricordi.

№1 only:

B.C.M. G. Verdi, Milan (only flute, violin parts); B. S. Cecilia, Rome.

OP 70

New from Bote & Bock (10 April 1867)

Fahrbach Josef 0p 70 3 Stücke aus G Meyerbeer’s Afrikanerin für Flöte und Pianoforte No 1 Romanze der Ines 20 2 Terzettino und Chor der Bischöfe 17 3 Schlummerlied 20

Hofmeisters Handbuch, Vol. 6 (1868) p. 85

Op 70 3 Stücke a Die Afrikanerin v Meyerbeer m Pfte No 1 Romanze Ines 20 No 2 a Terzettino b Chor der Bischöfe 17 Jfi No 3 Schlummerlied 20 fe Berlin B u Bock

OP 77

Steierische Jodler: für zwei Flöten, op. 77. Leipzig, Aug. Cranz.


OP 78

Aida di G. Verdi : due fantasie per tre flauti op.78 n.1 e n.2 / Di Giuseppe Fahrbach. Milan: Ricordi.

Plate number: 44262, 44263.

Bib. C. M. G. Verdi

OP 79

Aida di G. Verdi : due fantasie per quattro flauti op.79 n.1 e n.2 / di Giuseppe Fahrbach.

Milan: Ricordi.

Plate number: 442624, 44265.

Bib. C. M. G. Verdi

OP 81

I found no surviving copy of this. It was, however, reviewed in the Monthly Musical Record[2] in November 1877:

Thirty Characteristic Exercises for the Flute in all Major and Minor Keys By Josef Fahrbach Op 81 Two Parts Offenbach Joh Andre

This well designed work is intended to serve as a supplement to all the methods or books of instruction for the flute and by a series of exercises of progressive difficulty to familiarise the student with the mechanical technicalities of the instrument whether constructed upon the old or the new models For this purpose the directions for fingering adapted to both cases are carefully and clearly laid down not only in English but in French and German The author of the work himself virtuoso of high attainments wisely and judiciously places the student a course of practice unencumbered by too directions preferring to lead him on from the easiest to most arduous tasks by steps of easy gradation yet in such manner as not to lose ground or weaken the interest excited For these reasons every amateur of the flute should make speedy acquaintance with Herr Fahrbach’s valuable and instructive studies.

OP 84

Aida di G. Verdi : due fantasie per flauto, clarinetto o oboe e fagotto op. 84 n. 1 e n. 2 / di Giuseppe Fahrbach. Milan: Ricordi.

Plate number: 45129, 45130.

Bib. C. M. G. Verdi, Milan.

Aida di G. Verdi: due fantasie per flauto, clarinetto o oboe e fagotto, op. 84, [N. 1]. Prima fantasia Prima fantasia. Milano, G. Ricordi.

Webster-Eden Library, St. Louis

Aida di G. Verdi: due fantasie per flauto, clarinetto o oboe e fagotto, op. 84. Secondo fantasia Secondo fantasia.

Webster-Eden Library, St. Louis

OP 85

Aida di G. Verdi : due fantasie per flauto, violino e pianoforte op. 85 n. 1 e n. 2 / di Giuseppe Fahrbach. Milan: Ricordi

B. C.M. Luca Marenzio, Brescia (no. 1)

OP 86

Aida di G. Verdi : due fantasie per flauto, 2 clarinetti, 2 corni, flicorno, tromba, bombardino (o fagotto) e bombardone op.86 : prima fantasia / Di Giuseppe Fahrbach.

Milan: Ricordi.

Bib. C.M. G. Verdi, Milan.

Without Opus Number:

Ouverture zur Oper Martha. [New York], [Latham].

U. Of Manitoba

Introduction und Variationen über die beliebte Melodie: “Das Herzenleid” für Flöte und Pianoforte. Componirt und dem Herrn G. Cunningham Esqre achtungsvoll gewidmet von Jos. Fahrbach und C. Haslinger.

Wien: Tob. Haslinger.

OeNB Musiksammlung.

Whistling Handbuch:

Fahrbach J о s und С Haslinger Intr und Var Herzenleid in D Wien Haslinger 1 Jg

These are (erroneously) listed as op. 48 on the back cover of the Mertz, Schule für die Guitar

Potpourris: pour 1 flûte 16. L’Africaine / Meyerbeer. Arrang. von Jos. Fahrbach. — 8 S. — Pl.-Nr. 1104, 1116. 16. L’Africaine / Meyerbeer. Arrang. von Jos. Fahrbach. — 8 S. — Pl.-Nr. 1104, 1116. Munic, Aibl.


2. Potpourri über Motive der Oper: “Die Verschworenen” (der häusliche Krieg). Josef Fahrbach. (Flöte, Klavier.)

Wien: A. Diabelli.

Productionen im häuslichen Freundschafts-Zirkel für die Flöte mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. 109.

OeNB Musiksammlung.

Fantaisie sur la dernière pensée musicale de Bellini pour flûte et harpe / composée et dédiée à Mademoiselle Charlotte Rovelli de Milan

par Jos. Fahrbach et Parish Alvars membre de l’Opera I.R à Vienne. Milan: Jean Ricordi.

Plate number: 10951.

Bib. C.M. Luca Marenzio, Brescia; Bib. C.M. G. Verdi, Milan; Bib. Studi Musicali, Modena; Bib. Naz. Marciana, Venice.

[1] Gretchen Rowe Clements, Situating Schubert: Early Nineteenth-Century Flute Culture and the “Trockne Blumen” Variations, D. 802, Ph.D diss, SUNY Buffalo, 2007.

[2] The Monthly musical record, Volume 7 (p. 174–175)

