Exploring the Risks of Leaving Swagger Pages on Production APIs: Sensitive Data Exposure and Threats from Web Crawlers

Tommy Adeoye
2 min readJan 29, 2023


APIs play a crucial role in today’s web-based applications and allow for seamless communication between different systems. However, if not properly secured, they can pose a significant threat to sensitive data. One common security issue that arises from APIs is the exposure of Swagger pages on production systems.

Swagger pages provide an Open API definition file, which outlines the structure and behavior of an API. This information is useful for developers, but can also be harmful if left on a production system. Web crawlers can easily find these Swagger pages and harvest the information for nefarious purposes.

One example of this is with OAuth-secured APIs. OAuth provides authentication and authorization for APIs, but if the Swagger pages are left on the production system, attackers can use the information to craft malicious requests. This can result in unauthorized access to sensitive data and potential data breaches.

Here’s an example of what a Swagger page with OAuth authentication might look like:

swagger: "2.0"
version: 1.0.0
title: API Documentation
type: oauth2
flow: accessCode
authorizationUrl: https://api.example.com/oauth2/authorize
tokenUrl: https://api.example.com/oauth2/token
read: Grants read access
write: Grants write access

In conclusion, it’s essential to properly secure your APIs to prevent sensitive data from being exposed. If you have Swagger pages on your production systems, make sure they are removed or properly secured. Additionally, always monitor your APIs for any unauthorized access or suspicious activity.

By taking these precautions, you can ensure the security of your sensitive data and protect your business from potential threats.



Tommy Adeoye

Cloud and app sec dev, self-improvement advocate. Die-hard Arsenal fan. Building secure & scalable cloud apps. Always seeking growth & new challenges