Thomas Reese Barton, JD
1 min readJun 20, 2016


Aura Wilming, Yeah, Helen, get me that Aruba hotshot Aura Wilming on the line. “Yeah, Aura, I can’t make head nor tails of the instructions of just getting to the point of ‘Submit Draft.’ So how much trouble will I get into if I just write a little something about a remote control ? THAT MUCH ?! over one little post over a remote control. I have to learn to be a team player, do I ? Do I have to play for the Golden State Warriors team ?! Yeah, you are not a sports fan of NBA nonsense. Well maybe I will see how much trouble I can get into. Yeah I like the Weekly Knob writers. Yes, I know about being a responsible member of the community. Yes, yes. Sorry to bother you.” Maybe I will start my own FreeFloatingPublication called “Flotsam and Jetsam.” hey, that’s catchy. Run with it, devil dog. Run hard.



Thomas Reese Barton, JD

English Major, magna cum laude, Marine, Law School student of excellence, criminal defense lawyer of wit and persuasion and good humor and some hard shit.