Thomas Reese Barton, JD
1 min readMar 24, 2017


Emojis from you are Not worthless. I like the one with the blue ring on his head. I don’t know what it means but I like it.

“Hey, Gunny, I got a cool emoji from Ivana Knezevic.”

‘I am so delighted for you, Barton. You should marry her in your next life. But don’t talk basketball to her. She will leave you in a heartbeat if you bore that wonderful woman with your tedious rants about basketball.’

“Chill out, Gunny, you’re ranting.”

(Am I delirious or did you tell me about “something in a blue box” you were going to write to me about?)



Thomas Reese Barton, JD

English Major, magna cum laude, Marine, Law School student of excellence, criminal defense lawyer of wit and persuasion and good humor and some hard shit.