Bernie Sanders First and Goal for Primary: NY Times Square Billboard Comic Ad Sequel on Super Bowl Sunday Turns Heads

Thomas Chan
3 min readMay 18, 2024


Pro-Sanders PAC Runs Super Bowl Influenced NY Times Square Billboard Ad to Support Bernie Sanders for President — (Super PAC Man Cary Lee Peterson)

PoliWatch Update: Infamous Pro-Sanders PAC Americans Socially United strikes back again with a political satire comic ad in New York Time Square with a football theme where ‘Bernie’ (a/k/a ‘Fireman 2016’) stampedes past a stumbling Hillary toward the zero yard line guarded by a flaming Donald Trump awaiting the final challenge

NEW YORK, Feb. 18, 2016 /CNW/ — The Bern-factor just got hotter over the past weeks with the 2016 Primary elections kicking off and Bernie Sanders for 2016 President momentum on the rise nearing Super Tuesday on March 1 st.

This month pro-Bernie Sanders PAC Americans Socially United launched a sequel to the presidential election satire comic series displayed on a digital billboard in New York Times Square that started in January, showing a buffed super hero version of ‘Bernie’ in a cape hovering over his political opponents with vengeance while shooting rays from his glasses as a handful of comical characters, who appeared to be 2016 presidential candidates fleeing the scene.


The notorious political action committee has been using outdoor advertising motives in Sanders’ hometown since a year ago in hopes to boost awareness for the once Independent, now Democratic presidential candidate from Brooklyn, New York.

Pro-Bernie Sanders billboard comic artist Harrison Wood (41), currently working as a Las Vegas radio on-air personality and author of independent comic book series Thunder Frogs publicizes on his personal social media page that ‘the wait is over for the New York Times Square billboard comic ad series and a third is on its way’ as we get closer to Super Tuesday and the General Election.

Nonetheless, the football themed digital billboard ad displays various hidden digs and messages in the artwork that would have the public asking why a comical character that resembles Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders running past another comical look-alikes that appear to be his opposing Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Party Presidential Candidates Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, a comical look-alike couple on the side lines who appear to be a ultra tanned President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama full of laughter and excitement, sided by a frantic man (who highly resembles former President Bill Clinton), and a comical football player with a bright red glow outlining his body further back in the in-zone who could possibly portray a Donald Trump type of appearance.

“When we officially launched the PAC and registered with FEC a year ago I had a gut feeling of what would occur and that’s why I stuck to my guns”, says Americans Socially United founder and chief director Cary Lee Peterson. (35), who was responsible for the first Bernie Sanders for President digital billboard ad in New York Times Square early April of last year, as reported by New York Daily News. Peterson continues by commenting, “Sure he [Sanders] came out in the beginning saying that he hated political action committees but apparently realized he needs us to win presidential election, which would explain why he’s involved with PAC monies now according to what is public information at web resources like Open Secrets tell me.”

Americans Socially United remains the strongest pro-Sanders supporting committee since February last year, several months before Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) announced his official presidential bid on April 30 th, maintaining a social media compilation of over two million fan and followers, in addition to film production, promotional advertisements and events to raise awareness on the political stance and character of Bernie Sanders.

Peterson states, “We began our pro-Bernie for President endeavors last year and our thinking out-of-the-box strategies seem to be working and have influenced others to hop on the Bernie bandwagon over the past year.”

Today PoliWatch reporters received confirmation that the pro-Bernie Sanders PAC plans to submit the original drawings by comic artist Harrison Wood to a popular online charity auction and will use the proceeds from the auction sales to support awareness on Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.

Article by: Jason Vasquez

SOURCE Politician Watch Association

Originally published at

