Season Search Regulation Guides

Tommy Chipman
2 min readNov 10, 2017

A guide to more adventures outdoors

After my fishing trip in Central California and brush with law, I understood the importance of knowing all the regulatory information for an area. What I didn’t know was how hard that was, so we set out to solve the problem. In May we launched to help people do more outside with the confidence that they can know all of the regulatory information for a given place.

That was the first step, and a limited one. We spent a ton of time working to understanding how to translate and display regulations online to make them more accessible, but how to make them better was a whole different story.

I’m really excited to share that story today with the release of Season Search Regulation Guides, comprehensive guides to hunting and fishing recreations at your favorite locations and regions. They are designed and generated to provide a big picture of everything you need to know. At first glance you can know: how many species are open, how many activities there are regulations for, the weather, license requirements, and quick links to state fish and game resources.

The more time we spent outside the more we realized that the big picture is where you are is what’s really important. We wanted the regulations to tell a story, for everyone to be able to understand the possibilities outside not its limits. Guides are made for serious anglers and fisherman, and for outdoor opportunists. People who love doing things outside but don’t always know what they can or can’t do.

We’re going big and starting with 3,758 Regulation Guides in 11 states for 11 activities. We’ve also aggregated regulations into state wide, regional, and county wide guides. So for the places you don’t see, or regulations that are not specifically stated for a destination you can view the area’s regulations. It doesn’t stop there, we’ll continue to add more states and more activities as quickly as possible.

What we really want is feedback. I started by not knowing all the rules around Coyote Creek and now there are Season Search Guides for that very place and the surrounding Santa Clara County. We’re solving problems and want to know what you think. How can we make this better and what’s missing?

Thanks for everyone’s input so far and most of all the Season Search Team: Damon, Brandon, Dom, and Mary for making it happen.

Talk soon,

Tommy Chipman

CEO of Season Search



Tommy Chipman

I'm Tommy and I am passionate about the outdoors, problem solving tech, and life in general. Season Search, Visa, Flipboard.