Years into Divorce with a Narcissist

Thomas Wedge
2 min readJun 13, 2024
Photo by Daniel Leone on Unsplash

First of all I am not a psychologist or magician. I am ordinary older man who’s 2nd marriage dissolved even though I didn’t want it to dissolve and my two young sons strongly voted against dissolving it too.

They will vote against this divorce the rest of their lives.

I have read 1000’s or articles on Medium and other platforms about modern marriage, modern divorce, modern relationships, modern infidelity. I have written 80 articles for Medium. Some curated and some veered off into Cluster B, swimming lessons, Male Patriarchy, and how Gabor Mate would approach starting to resolve Trauma on a global scale.

All of this writing has helped me and also helped some other people who saw themselves (from time to time) in my writing and open expression of my experience divorcing a covert narcissist. Thanks for your support.

Divorce from S was not something I wanted to do, but it was necessary…for me, for my sons, and for the rest of our lives. We could not live together anymore, the pathology of Cluster B Disorders does not allow for it….at least in my nervous system.

What have we learned?

All this writing. 100’s of thousands of articles on Medium and other platforms.



Thomas Wedge

Beekeeper, Romantic Poet, Interested in Truth, Honesty, Transparency