Tom N Coffee
1 min readAug 1, 2017


I’ve been put off by the whole “code is poetry” horseshit for a long time. I am an artist who wound up doing website design and had to change my resume to a “web developer” just to stay in the game.

I ultimately said fuck it to all of that and am back to my art. No more website bullshit. Having to build on top of overly complicated crap and learn new frameworks that did nothing better than the others all so some coder could brag on Git like a stupid git. (Great choice for a brand name you stupid git)

Every job req for the past several years expecting an artist to be a coder. It’s really industrial revolution code for getting one person to do 2 jobs. Expecting artists to be JavaScript coders. And then the gall to say “code is poetry” (fuck you Matt M at WordPress)

No, code is not “poetry”.

So sick and tired of coders with the typical sullen angry attitude that they carry as if they matter. The whole idea is just industrial revolution propaganda to make the squirrels in their little treadmills feel more important than they really are.



Tom N Coffee

Photographer, Videographer, Producer, Author, Webmaster, Creative Guy, Idea Guy