EDMA 241 Week 2

Thomas O'Donovan
2 min readJun 2, 2017


Reflect on the difference between mathematics and numeracy. Provide some real life examples, this might include videos, photographs or other creative mediums.

It is fair to say that mathematics and Numeracy are terms that are often used to in education but they get interchanged as not many people understand the differences between mathematics and numeracy. Per the Interim National Curriculum board which is now known as Australian Curriculum Assessment Reporting Authority “Numeracy is the capacity, confidence and disposition to use mathematics to meet the demands of learning, school, home, work community and civic life.” (interim National Curriculum Board, 2009, p. 5). We can compare this with the definition from the Oxford English Dictionary “mathematics: The abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts (pure mathematics), or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering (applied mathematics). In summary, we can say that Numeracy is the skill learnt and mathematics is the theory.

One example of Numeracy would be Currency

An example of mathematics would be an equation

Numeracy allows for student learning whilst teaching them civic skills, it is important to make note that for mathematical learning to take place students must be “Numerate”. Overall It is important as a teacher to be able to demonstrate both mathematical knowledge and to enhance the skills of numeracy as it allows for development of the real-life skills that the students will need. If our students make mistakes it our job to try and further enhance their learning to be more beneficial for the student.

Perso, T (2011) Assessing Numeracy and NAPLAN. The Australian Mathematics Teacher vol. 67 no. 4

Hogan, J. (2012).Mathematics and numeracy: has anything changed? Are we any clearer? Are we on track?. Australian Mathematics Teacher. 68.4 (Winter 2012).



Thomas O'Donovan

A University Student Studying Primary Education at ACU North Sydney. When I am not a student I love listening to music and and attending live events :)