Creating the development roadmap with Trello

3 min readJan 18, 2018


I released a development road map with Trello, carrying future development schedule etc of my tournament bracket creation service “THE TOURNAMENT”(

(it comes in Japanese)

This article is about the reasons why I needed a develplopment roadmap, and how I achieved that.

Why I need a development roadmap?

1. Tell users that the service is alive

With the development roadmap, it seems to be said that it is not a dead service, but is a living service that is actively adding functions .

When looking for and using a web service, it is important whether the service is stable.

2. Tell users when the functions they need will be added

When you decide whether or not to use the service, people who came to the site by search etc. will see the list of functions.

If it does not have the function you want, they simply give up using it.
But what if there is a development road map there.

If you can see that the features you want are coming up soon enough, they might give you a second chance.

3. Tell users that their requests are surely received
I often get requests for functions, but it is difficult to respond all of them quickly, and I will respond them in order.

If you add their request to the development roadmap, then at least the user who requested it will know that it is on the queue.

What I want in the roadmap

  • No extra hassle for updating roadmap
  • Visualize progress
  • Accept voting from users

So it’s Trello!

Trello can manage all of the requirements above :)

Trello board can be open to public
The Trello board can be open to the public so we can publish it for users.

Well this is not because I thought of myself, but I actually saw Slack doing it in the article.

Slack, service roadmap and application function idea collection released at Trello — ITmedia NEWS

Managing the tasks will update the roadmap
Use the trello roadmap to manage your tasks, then while you update it, the roadmap will be updated at the same time(of course, because they are same).

No additional work for roadmap update!

So I will share this template!

I’d like to share this template, so if you are interested please try using it.

How to use
You can copy the Roadmap to your account by accessing THE TOURNAMENT’s development roadmap at Trello and choosing “Copy Board” from “Show Board Menu”.

Since it is possible to copy only the board configuration without a card, I think that it is better to add the card yourself.

Enjoy roadmapping!




Web developer/director. Developing THE TOURNAMENT( / Mail: info[at] / Twitter:@kame_f_no7