This week I have had a very limited amount of time to do any work, and on top of that I spent most of the time I did have working out some issues with Android Studio.

I am using the canary channel, I know that is not the best idea for a production app, as bugs will appear and cause wasted time, but since this is more of a pet project than anything else, I figure it will be great experience for me to have to deal with these issues.

So after spending around 4 hours (ish) fixing sudden version issues with Google Play Services, Firebase, and Gradle. Updating the IDE and fixing little bugs here and there, I was able to write about 15 lines of logic. not a very productive week.

Simply put, I added an if statement that checked if the user was logged in and authorized, and either displayed the LoginActivity or jump to the UserProfileActivity. I also updated the GitHub project to reflect all the changes I have made. Since I have not done that in a very long time, it was a very significant change.

Hopefully I will get to be more productive over the next week. I am very bummed about the lack of progress this week.

Thanks for reading, dear friends, I will be in touch soon.

