A GM Diet Plan Sample For 5 Days

4 min readApr 13, 2023


Being overweight is linked to many health problems, some of which can even shorten a person’s life expectancy. So if you want a healthy body, you must follow a diet plan to help you lose weight and keep it off.

One such strategy that is currently fashionable is the GM diet plan, which demonstrates impressive outcomes for individuals who adhere to it religiously. For example, using this method, you can lose 15–17 pounds in just one week.

Therefore, if you want to learn more about this weight loss method that actually works, keep reading this blog, and after you’ve got all the information you need, try it.

Sample Of A GM Diet Plan For The Next Week

Those who are interested in weight loss and beginning the popular GM diet plan can begin with the following routine:

1. Day 1- Consume Fruits

You should not eat anything but fruit on the first cleanse day. After that, you can consume fruit except for bananas and other starchy carbohydrates; watermelon and muskmelon are the most popular options.

Sample Diet Plan:

  • Breakfast (8:30–9 AM): 1 apple and water
  • Mid-morning (11 AM): 1 bowl of papaya and water
  • Lunch (12:30–1 PM): 1 bowl of watermelon or muskmelon and water
  • Afternoon (3 PM): 1 sweet lime or orange and water
  • Evening (5–6 PM): Coconut water and 1 bowl of berries
  • Dinner (8–8:30 PM): 1 bowl of muskmelon and water

2. Day 2- Consume Vegetables

After experiencing lightheadedness on day one due to a deficiency in carbohydrates and continuous consumption of fluids, on day two, consume meals that are simple and easy for the digestive tract to process.

Sample Diet Plan:

  • Breakfast (8:30–9 AM)- 1 large boiled potato with black pepper and salt+water
  • Mid-morning (10:30–11 AM)- 1 bowl of cabbage or lettuce soup + water
  • Lunch (12:30–1 PM)- 1 bowl of salad (tomato, cucumber, and beetroot) and water
  • Afternoon (3–3:30 PM)- 1 bowl of tomatoes + water
  • Evening(5–5:30 PM)- 1 cup of broccoli or sauteed broccoli
  • Dinner (7–8 PM)- 1 bowl of steamed carrots, beans and lettuce + water

3. Day 3- Consume Fruits And Vegetables

The third day of the GM diet should be relatively simple for you now that your body has adjusted to the new eating plan. The third day will consist of you eating various fresh fruits and vegetables here.

Sample Diet Plan:

  • Breakfast (8:30–9 AM)- 1 apple or 1 cup diced melon and salt + water
  • Mid-morning (10:30–11 AM)- 1 cup of watermelon + water
  • Lunch (12:30–1 PM)- 1 bowl of salad (tomato, cucumber, onion, and beetroot) + water
  • Afternoon (3 PM)- 1 bowl of tomatoes + water
  • Evening (5–5:30 PM)- 1 cup of ripe mango and water
  • Dinner (7:30–8 PM)- 1 bowl of boiled broccoli and beans + water

4. Day 4- Milk And Banana Diet

You will have consumed sufficient fruit sugar and plant fibre by the fourth day. Then, due to consistent appetite, it will no longer react negatively to the taste of bananas. Going forward, you should consume more liquids and get your energy from things like milkshakes and soups. The rule is to avoid adding honey, sugar, or another sweetener to milk.

Sample Diet Plan:

  • Breakfast (8:30–9 AM)- 2 big bowls of ripe bananas and 1 glass of low-fat milk
  • Lunch (12:30–1 PM)- 2 big bowls of ripe bananas and 1 glass of low-fat milk
  • Evening (4–4.30 PM)- 1 bowl of cabbage soup with salt and pepper
  • Dinner (7:30–8 PM)- 2 big bowls of ripe bananas and 1 glass of low-fat milk

5. Day 5: Protein-Rich Diet

If people following the GM diet eat bananas, milk, and soup on the fourth day of the diet, then on the fifth day, they will only eat protein and tomatoes. Most importantly, they can now eat fish, meat, or eggs. You can substitute paneer, tofu, or brown rice if you follow a vegetarian diet.

Sample Diet Plan:

  • Breakfast (9.00 AM)- 3 tomatoes + ½ cup sprouts + water
  • Mid-morning (10:30 AM)- 1 apple + water
  • Lunch (12:30–1 PM)- ½ cup brown rice and sautéed assorted veggies with tofu or paneer/3 fish fillet and water
  • Evening (4–4:30 PM)- 2 tomatoes + water
  • Dinner (7:30 PM)- 1 cup brown rice, 1 tomato and ½ cup of sautéed veggies and water

The Bottom Line

A crash diet that runs counter to the fundamentals of what constitutes a healthy diet is known as the GM diet. Even though you will see immediate and obvious results with your weight loss, the long-term repercussions are even more dangerous.

Due to the substantial change in your customary eating pattern, your body will shed excess fat. However, as soon as you return to your regular diet, you will put on more weight than you had previously lost.

It is considered an unsustainable diet if it requires you to go without regularly eating throughout the day. Maintaining a healthy weight requires developing regular, healthy eating habits and consuming a nutritionally complete and well-balanced diet.

