6 min readApr 23, 2023

Choosing the Right VoIP Provider: Why All Covered VoIP Stands Out

VoIP: An Endless Pool of Options

VoIP: An Endless Pool of Options

The United States of America is home to a dizzying array of VoIP providers. From the most sophisticated to the most rudimentary service tiers. If you get lost in the loop as a decision-maker, you will gather too many options. And the decision will be even more difficult than you intended. Is regular VoIP the right choice? Or is all covered VoIP better? And what are the most important considerations on which I should base my choice? Let’s answer these questions.

So, the next question is: What are the most important considerations upon which I should base my choice?

What is All Covered VoIP?

All covered VoIP means that there is a single point of access for all the VoIP features, which is your VoIP system. At the same time, it means that there are no extra costs that you will be paying.


Let’s be honest: The most important factor is how affordable the service is. As a decision-maker, you want to get the most out of the service for the least amount of money.

How Tonet’s Founders Are Solving the Overpayment Issue in All Covered VoIP Services

The founders of Tonet come from a technical background working in VoIP companies. Where they saw thousands of clients being charged for a service that they barely use. The month-to-month (or year-to-year) subscription is forced as the only option for clients who utilize 20–30% of the money that they spent.

How Other VoIP Companies Charge You

The standard offer that 99% of companies out there put on the table is unlimited calls and SMS. You might think: “That’s a great offer, I don’t have to worry about my usage, and I can use the phone as much as I want!”.

But in reality, you actually don’t. What happens is that these companies overcharge you. They ensure that they cover the maximum number of calls that you can possibly make. At the end of the day, research shows that average monthly phone usage (if you’re not selling your products or services over the phone or providing customer service over the phone) is nearly 7 hours.

This means you’re paying far more than you should for what you use.

Tonet’s Vision & Pricing of All Covered VoIP

That’s why we founded Tonet. We saw how many clients were being unfairly overcharged, and that’s why we created our pay-as-you-go system. Where you only pay for what you use, nothing more and nothing less. You pay by the day for every service that we offer, which includes: a user is 0.33 cents per day; a phone number is $3 (a one-time payment); phone calls are 1.5 cents a minute; and SMS is 3 cents. Which means that you don’t have to pay any amount up-front, you only pay for what you use, and on a daily basis.


The next most important aspect is the system’s functionality and the features it offers. You might initially dismiss some features as superfluous luxuries you don’t really need. But you’d be surprised at how they can improve your business operations and give you greater peace of mind.

What Makes Tonet Different?

Although our main focus at Tonet is to serve and cater to small businesses. Our collection of features is extensive enough to be able to accommodate large corporations with complex business processes. Tonet was designed to be able to stand out in pricing while simultaneously offering big players features. We offer all covered VoIP services so you don’t have to worry about anything. We take care of business from A to Z.

Tonet’s Features

Tonet’s Features


When a customer calls a business, an automated voice will answer. This automated voice, known as an auto-attendant, will welcome them and correctly direct them to the appropriate party. By dialing a series of numbers until they reach their desired destination. This allows you to establish your brand’s image from the moment the customer picks up the phone.

Call Recording

Call Recording

Consider the following scenario. You were on the phone with a highly important client when you drifted off to the world of daydreaming and missed something crucial that he mentioned. At least once, we’ve all been there. You may go back to the call and listen to what you missed thanks to the call recorder feature, though.

The ability to track the performance of your staff and provide feedback so they may better their calls is another essential component of quality assurance. And that wouldn’t be possible without the call recording capability.

Call Queuing

What happens if all of your reps are occupied once they have been pointed toward the appropriate department? hectic tone? Nope! With the call queuing feature, you could put your clients on hold while one of your reps finished a call. And when that person became available, they would be automatically forwarded to them.

Plan Your Time Off

You don’t want your client to have to endure that obtrusive ring until, eventually, no one picks up the phone. Over the holidays, which are a time for family. People want to wind down. Hence, the next time your family goes on a winter vacation. Make sure you have a pre-recorded message telling your clients that you are having a break and will be back on the day you specify.


Flexibility summarizes scalability in the VoIP business. You want to know that you’re working with a company that will not lock you in a contract. Or lock you into a single plan regardless of your usage or the number of users you currently have.

Every business has its ups and downs. And what fluctuates with these alternating phases is the call volume and the number of users. And that’s why Tonet’s is the perfect scalable option because you will only pay for what you use for the calls. When it comes to adding new users, you will pay by the day, which will help you save a lot of money on fast turnovers.

Customer Support

Customer Support

Last but definitely not least is customer support. We do pride ourselves on being a small company because we know that the client that we land, we’ll take care of. Being in business with us doesn’t mean that we only listen to your concerns; we also always listen to your recommendations and suggestions, something that big companies don’t listen to anymore.

If there’s a favorite feature that is currently missing from our platform and you’d love to have it, inform us and we will put it on our project timeline. And not just that, we dedicated a lot of our time to writing very detailed and user-friendly documentation that takes you step-by-step through every part of Tonet’s system so that you don’t go about this on your own.

We also make sure that we send out a technical officer from our end to new clients (if they are in Las Vegas or Tennessee) to give them a completely free-of-charge demonstration as to how the system works, and even if they’re not interested after that, we don’t charge anything for a visit.

In Summary

Tonet has the most flexible pricing options in the market. With the pay-as-you-go model, you only pay for what you use, allowing you to finally avoid the overpricing that large corporations impose on you. Tonet has the most advanced features that only top companies have, like auto-attendant, call recordings, and call queues.

With Tonet, you can easily scale your business when it comes to calling volumes or new users, flexibility is in our motto, and finally, we take our customer service very seriously, offering step-by-step documentation, free demonstration visits, and listening to and implementing client feature requests and suggestions.

Everything points to us, so give us a shot right now!


Tonet is a VoIP provider configured specifically for small businesses.