Why I think Developers will like Slack

Tongqing Qiu
2 min readApr 30, 2015


Slack is a brand new messaging tool. There are already some articles to describe the benefits of using Slack in general. For example, how easy to share files and search messages. I view Slack more as a developer-friendly collaboration tool. It provides extensive integrations with existing development tools. I intend and recommend to use it as an universal notification hub for all development activities, from code sharing to source control management, from issue management to documentation, from CI builder to monitoring and alarming.

Ad Hoc Code Sharing

Share a code snippet in Slack is very easy. Type command+enter, and …

Besides of basic code sharing, Slack supports notification integration with almost all existing development related tools. Traditionally, we use email to get the notifications. Slack is much better at least in two aspects

  • The clean, intuitive and consistent notification content.
  • The notifications are sent to slack channels. Users can join specific channels they are interested in. It is more flexible than configuring a set of email addresses for each system.

One picture is worth a thousand words. I list one example in each category, and you can see what it looks like in Slack

Issue Management — JIRA

Source Code Management — GitHub

CI — Jenkins

Minitoring and Alarming — Nagios

Why I think Developers will like Slack was published on December 10, 2014.

Originally published at tongqqiu.github.io.

