Kynard Antonio McCray Jr.
2 min readAug 30, 2015

Turn Heartbreak into Cold Hard Cash

In a rapper/singers career heartbreak can become a pivotal point in your career being that you will begin to have something to make music about that mostly everybody will be able to relate to. In Hip Hop this happens a lot of times where they begin to fall off of the scene but then gets their heart broken and starts putting good music out back to back. From the rappers stand point it would be looking at the cup half full rather than half empty, it’ll be better than losing the love of your life and your career. For about a year this is what rapper has done since his break up with well known singer Ciara. Every since his break up Future has put out 3 mixtapes and a album that have all been pertaining to his breakup with Ciara which have all been speaking to young men around the country and also young ladies. Future has flawlessly kept his street man mentality all while showing a sensitive side to him that has the ladies loving him and the guys understanding the situation he is in. In one of his most favorable songs “Throw Away” that was featured on his mixtape Monster “If loving me in public aint safe, you can take my love and hide it…don’t give up on me today, hold on to me like a true love, I told you it was a true love, I ended up with temptations, You going out the country, You posed up on IG” future describes the situations that he had to deal with while being in a relationship with Ciara. A lot of his fans were able to relate to these lyrics because if she was truly in love with Future she would stick by his side through whatever and she didn’t do that.

People love to be able to relate to the music that they listen to rather to just listening to a song that has nothing to do with anything. Future gave young America trap music that is still trap music but dealing with emotions and decite that we all go thru at some point in life and turned his pain into money. And Future hasn’t stopped, til this day he is on tour around the country performing songs from his mix tapes and albums.