My Thirty Day Challenge

Toni Wiley
3 min readOct 12, 2019


What are you doing for the next thirty days? I myself am starting a thirty day challenge to learn how to build a line of traffic for my business. Why would I do this? Well, I chose to start a business in online marketing and one of the main tools is traffic. Traffic is one of the most important and hardest things to get when starting a business online.

First and foremost, YOU HAVE TO BE SEEN! In order to be seen you must know where to publish your stuff. I am in the bootcamp in order to learn this. Some would say it is just a waste of time. I say it is a good investment of my time. I would suggest it to anyone. Once you know where to post your stuff you need to learn what it takes to get your traffic interested in what it is you have for them to purchase. That means asking them or trading them for their email address. Yay for freebies. People like free things. This is what I have learned so far.

When I think of all the money being made online, I think of all the great things I could be doing for my family. I also think of all the great things I could do for others that are in need with the money that I could make from starting this business. That is why I decided to participate in this bootcamp.

I have a picture that I keep in my head that represents a flow of money and algorithms. It is shown to the right. The purpose of this vision keeps me on track. I imagine that the money is my people or traffic. It constantly flows toward my goal. The numbers or algorithms represents the way that the traffic keeps flowing. I then continuously imagine that going into my pocket at the end of the day.

I have this thing called a dream board and it represents what I want to accomplish with that money at the end of the day. I helps me keep my mind where it should be even when I am having second thoughts.

The purpose of the traffic bootcamp is to teach us how to drive traffic and that is a road that is less traveled for most marketers and they usually wind up giving up instead of staying on path. My path is clear, and I am just not willing to give up. The nice thing about this bootcamp is Legendary Marketer has given it to anyone that enters for free. This was an excellent opportunity for anyone who is new. I have chosen to commit myself to this bootcamp and as long as I apply what I learn here I am positive that I will be heading down the right road. I am so grateful that Legendary Marketer decided to do this bootcamp and ever so grateful. I am committed to finishing and wish everyone else involved the greatest outcome.

