About the TONMAP

1 min readMay 23, 2024


TON MAP is a project inspired by milliondollarhomepage.com and sandbox.game, featuring a vast map for projects, individuals, and communities in TON and Telegram, measuring 1000 by 1000 pixels. We are the main map for Telegram. Our project is an advertising system, a place for self-expression, a mark in history, prestige, partner bonuses, a meme coin, mini-app, a generous referral program with conversion to TON, farming, metaverse, and much more.

Each TONMAP pixel costs 1 TON and has properties: coordinates, serial number, image, link, description, as well as the owner’s wallet or their name on Telegram. This allows users to customize the display and showcase their project, themselves, or anything else on the main map of TON/Telegram.

We aim to become the second most popular project on Telegram, thanks to our mechanics and ideas, as well as our experienced team.

Telegram: TonMap.t.me
TG App: TheTonMapBot.t.me
Map: TonMap.app
Twitter X:




TON MAP - the first map of TON projects and people.