What is React Storybook?

2 min readDec 6, 2022


React Storybook is a tool for developing and testing React components. It allows you to create stories that represent the different states of a component, and interact with them in a browser-like environment. This makes it easier to develop, test, and document your components, without having to run your entire application. It also allows you to share your components with others, so they can see how they work and use them in their own projects.

Getting Started with Storybook

To get started with React Storybook, you will first need to install it in your project. To do this, you can use the following command:

npm install --save-dev @storybook/react

Once you have installed Storybook, you can run it in your project by using the following command:

npx sb init

This will create a new directory called .storybook in your project, and add some initial configuration files.

Next, you will need to create your first story. To do this, create a new file called Button.stories.js in the .storybook directory, and add the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import Button from './Button';

storiesOf('Button', module)
.add('with text', () => <Button>Hello Button</Button>)
.add('with emoji', () => (
<span role="img" aria-label="so cool">
😀 😎 👍 💯

This code defines a story for a Button component, with two different states: one with text, and one with an emoji.

To run Storybook, use the following command:

npx storybook

This will start a local development server, and open a new tab in your default web browser with the Storybook interface. You can then view and interact with your stories, and see how they look and behave.

As you develop your components, you can continue to add more stories to test and document them. You can also customize the configuration and behavior of Storybook to suit your needs.

For more information, you can visit the official React Storybook website: https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/get-started/introduction.

