Einstein, the Atom-Bomb, and Gutenberg’s Printing Press:

I Wonder What Johannes Gutenberg Would Feel, About What the Media is Doing Since His Invention of the Printing Press…

3 min readDec 18, 2020


And though this might sound like an odd thing to write; Einstein reportedly regretted his part in how the atom-bomb was developed…

Now of course,

nuclear power, and printed material etc, have been proven to be of undeniable potential for good…as well as for unspeakable evil…

There has long been, the looming threat of nuclear weapons in the “wrong” hands, which still terrifies us today. And this is is an awesome responsibility…

So, to get to the point:

The inevitably biased media, has significantly devolved the capacity for mass informational distribution. And it now includes its own flare for dynamic use of video and technological advancements.

This is a serious responsibility as well.

We should take heed.



…like a beat from a butterfly’s wings…

…introduced in the right way, and at the right time…

…can cause a virtual hurricane of truly disturbing large-scale human behaviors — just about anywhere in the world...

The mob mentality is particularly deadly, because it is irrational, primal, and spark-fueled into an exponential tempest of oddly sudden, unified momentum.

Yet cyclonic mobs, rarely accomplish positive things.


let’s not weaponize the media-developed art, of nefariously and manipulatively using insight regarding how to interpret, and incite public choices.

The advertising industry already does this, and I’m sure it would like the media to further accompany their similarly ulterior motives…

This “art” is so simply done.

It merely requires particular, well-worded information, which is withheld and then introduced at just the right moments, for just the right audiences...

And then it is disturbingly easy to orchestrate either a domino effect, or to use chess-like causal interjections, unto predictable results.

But this precisely executed, and “delicate” beating of wings; has the tsunamic effect of bringing about intentionally designed waves of impact, which powerfully course in and through the multitudes of everyday people.

And there… there is where the power has always really been…for politicians, and for would-be kings:

It is prowess for interpretive and directive sway, over the perspective opinions and — consequently — the accordant choices of the masses.

Every experienced ruler knows this truth.

They also know that whenever the sheep and the “cracked eggs” of the “common”, and thus the most numerous people; finally decide to revolt…

…history has proven that all the kings horses and all the kings men, don’t stand a chance!

But Wait;

wouldn’t using this art in the media by some sneakily underhanded way, with the ulterior purpose to please somebody who can advance your career…potentially make you a famous (I mean a “better”) reporter?

Or… are you one of those types that pretends they are completely and inhumanly devoid, of any foundational motivation as fuel for our persistent actions?

Make sure that the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, (contextually and thus more accurately interpretated and represented)…is all you testify about, amid your media propaganda.

Be aware:

Every word you speak or write will eventually be evaluated in relation to eternity…

And your motives will be recompensed in direct relation to what they’ve causally/effectively ask for…

So before the proverbial cat is finally fully out of the bag, sew seeds that grow into a positively culmitive eternal result…

You can start by contextually interpreting and representing the right Source indeed — YHWH — according to His hermeneutically and Spiritually understood Words.

