How to fix Figma UI

Tony G.
3 min readApr 5, 2019


I love Figma. It’s the best design product so far. I’m a big fan. But Figma’s UI sucks. Todays Figma announced “refreshed UI”. And it still sucks. I will show you just two examples why and how to fix it.

  1. Publish Components Button

If you want to be productive in Figma you have to use components. Most of the times you have a separate file with components. And you jump back and forth between components file and current design file. How the process goes:

You made some changes in component > then small popup jumped up in the bottom right corner with “Publish…” button > you clicked on it > then swith to design file and a new popup jumped up with “Review” button > you clicked on it > updates popup appears > then you click on “Update all” button and finally all changes are in your design. I cant say that it’s easy, intuitive and fast process. You know, professional tools can be unintuitive, but they have to be fast. Let’s move on.

“Publish…” button is one of the most of the clickable button for me. The most clickable UI button are in a popup! Wow! But the main problem begins when you click “Dismiss”. In a “fresh Figma’s UI” you have to click “Assets” then click small “Team Library” icon then “Publish 1 change” button. 3 clicks! Worst user scenario ever for one of the most clickable UI button. It’s incredible unintuitive and so many clicks!

Why do you need to click “Dismiss”? Popup is disturbing. It take some time to work on your component and I don’t want to see it during the process. Popup blocks the right panel and you can’t export anything.

Even worst thing happens when you click “Dismiss” instead “ Review” in “Component updates available” popup. To update your file you have to click “Assets” then click “Team Library” icon and a few seconds later you figure-out “Update 1” in the popup header > click there > then “Update all”. It’s a quest with 4 clicks!

“Updates” in the Team Library header

How to fix: there is so much space in a panel near “Share” button just add publish button there and made it active and inactive modes. It’s not a beautiful solution but it will works. Please also make a hot keys for publish and update buttons. By the way I used “Share” button way more less than “Publish”.

2. Assets panel

There is a tab bar in the left panel with “Layers” and “Assets” tabs. And you have to switch between them all the time. All I personally need is “Search Assets” field instead this bar. When user click to “Search Assets” panel has to change to Assets Library view (like in the picture below). It will work pretty the same but it will be more intuitive and faster. And Team library button will be in one click.

Sorry english is not my native language. Please send me all mistakes and any other fixes for the text. I’ll be very appreciate.

P.S. One small thing. You can’t close “Team Library” popup by clicking Esc. You have to click Esc two times because first click removes focus from the search field.



Tony G.

Designer. Also founder and CEO of C.