Ohio Solar Investment 2024: Worth the Cost? | Expert Guide

Tonya Hughes
10 min readJan 23, 2024


Explore the benefits and savings of going solar in Ohio with our comprehensive 2024 guide. Discover if solar power is a smart choice for you!

Did you know that Ohio’s sunshine can be just as lucrative as its famous Buckeye candies? Yeah, you heard that right. When it comes to juicing up your home with clean energy, Ohio is stepping up its solar game. Now, you might be thinking, “Is catching those rays and turning them into energy worth the hassle in the Buckeye State?” Great question, and that’s precisely what we’re diving into. With the cost of solar panels dipping and the sun’s reliability (more than you might think in Ohio!), homeowners are finding it increasingly tempting to switch to solar. And let’s not forget, the state’s incentives and policies are evolving to give you a nudge towards a greener future. We’re about to break down the nitty-gritty of solar payback time, energy independence, and the environmental perks that come with slapping some shiny panels on your rooftop. So, strap in, because we’re set to help you figure out just how bright solar investment can shine for you here in Ohio.

Get Solar Quote in Ohio

Absolutely, let’s dive right into the sunny side of the Buckeye State. Ohio’s embracing solar energy more every day, and you’ll find this is not just a fleeting trend. As of the latest reports, solar installations are shining on over 19,000 homes across Ohio. That’s no small number and tells us that folks are seriously tapping into the sun’s potential.

Especially encouraging is the growth rate of solar adoption in Ohio, which is picking up pace faster than a sprinter at the sound of the starting gun. We’re talking about a solar market that’s been growing by roughly 10% annually. Why? Because Ohioans are catching on to the benefits: saving on energy bills, decreasing their carbon footprint, and even improving their property values.

Take, for example, the story of a bakery in Dayton. They decided to go solar and put panels on their roof. The result? They’re now saving dough on energy costs, pun intended, and using those savings to cook up extra tasty treats for the community. The bakery’s bold move not only garners them savings but also bags them a loaf of praise from eco-conscious customers.

So, whether you’re a homeowner in Toledo thinking of cutting down your power bills or a business in Cincinnati looking to add some green credentials to your branding, Ohio’s solar landscape is ripe for the picking. Incentives like the federal tax credit — which allows you to deduct 30% of your solar installation costs — stack up to make this an even sweeter deal. It’s no wonder more Ohioans than ever are saying yes to solar!

Benefits of Solar Power in Ohio

Oh, the sunny days in Ohio! Sure, it might not be the first state that pops into your mind when you think of blazing sunshine, but you might be surprised to learn that Ohio actually has plenty of solar potential. Embracing solar power here isn’t just a smart move; it’s a game-changer for your wallet and our beloved environment. Let’s talk dollars and sense — installing solar panels can lead to serious savings on those pesky electric bills. Imagine watching your energy costs plummet as your panels soak up the sun’s rays, turning that abundant light into clean, green power.

Now, picture this: by going solar, each installation is a personal victory against pollution. You can almost feel the fresh air, can’t you? By choosing solar, you’re slashing carbon emissions and giving a helping hand to Ohio’s natural beauty. We’re talking about protecting the rolling hills, picturesque lakes, and rich farmland that make our state a treasure. It’s not just a feel-good choice; it’s an investment in our future.

And hey, while you’re saving greenbacks and greening the earth, the state’s got your back, too. Ohio offers net metering, allowing you to earn credits when your system overproduces power. That’s right — you could be rewarded for contributing clean energy back to the grid during those peak sunshine hours. So, for you, my fellow Ohioans, going solar is kind of a no-brainer. Your wallet, your children, and the great outdoors will thank you.

Financial Aspects

Alright, let’s dive into the dollars and cents of powering your home with sunshine in Ohio, shall we? Kicking things off with the upfront costs, installing solar panels on your Ohio home will typically run you between $10,000 to $20,000 after you factor in the size of your system and your home’s energy needs. But don’t let that initial number give you sticker shock — you’ve got some financial friends on your side here.

First up, the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is like a golden ticket that slashes 30% off the cost of your system, right off your federal taxes. That’s a hefty chunk of change staying in your pocket. Now, since we’re chatting about Ohio, although there aren’t specific state tax credits, there’s something called Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs). These bad boys can earn you some extra dough just for generating clean energy.

Let’s break it down with a real-life example: Imagine you’re the average Joe or Jane in Ohio, and your solar setup costs $15,000. With the ITC, you’ll save $4,500. Now your cost is down to $10,500. Producing energy can then potentially net you a few hundred bucks each year by selling your SRECs. Plus, you’ll likely shave about $1,000 off your annual power bill. So, your payback period could be around 10 years — but remember, you’re playing the long game, as panels often last 25 years or more, leading to significant savings over time.

Toss in the potential increase in property value without bumping up your property taxes (thanks to Ohio’s property tax exemption for renewable energy systems), and you’ve got yourself a sweet little investment that outshines just keeping your cash in the bank. Keep all this in mind as you consider how solar power can pay back financially, as well as in peace of mind for doing your bit for the planet.

Challenges and Considerations

When you’re eyeing up solar power for your Ohio home, a couple of things might have you scratching your head, like “Do I even have enough space?” or “Man, is this going to burn a hole in my wallet?” Let’s break it down.

Space is key. You’ll need a good chunk of it for the panels, but the deal is, Ohio homes often have enough real estate on their roofs — it’s just about making sure it’s used wisely. Not enough space up top? No worries. You’ve got options like ground-mounted systems that can sit pretty in your backyard. Whatever your pick, a seasoned installer can give your space the once-over to figure out the best setup.

Now, let’s talk turkey about costs. Yeah, putting in solar panels isn’t exactly chump change, but think of it as investing in your home’s value and slashing those pesky utility bills. Plus, Ohio’s got your back with financial support. There’s the federal solar tax credit that’ll knock off a juicy 26% from your installation costs if you get in on it before it steps down. And depending on where you live, you might snag some local incentives or rebates, too.

The key here is to find a savvy installer who knows the ins and outs of maximizing these benefits. And don’t forget, quality matters more than quantity. Choosing the right equipment that performs well in Ohio’s climate will save you big in the long run. So, while there might be some hurdles, with a little know-how and some expert guidance, you’ll be soaking up the sun’s power before you know it.

Solar Panels: Quality and Efficiency

Hey there, Ohio friends looking to soak up some sun for more than just a summer tan! Let’s chat about which solar panels will be your best buddies given our state’s climate and how they’re going to stick with you through thick and thin — and yes, I’m including those gray winter days.

Now, in the solar panel family, there are primarily three types you’ll come across: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. Monocrystalline panels are like the sleek, high achievers of the group, sporting a higher efficiency, which means they convert more sunlight into electricity — super handy when the sun decides to play hide and seek in Ohio’s ever-changing weather. They’re also space-efficient, but they do come with a higher price tag. If your budget is whispering sweet nothings about being more frugal, polycrystalline panels are your go-to. Although they’re a bit less efficient, they still do a solid job and are kinder to your wallet.

Thin-film panels, the free spirits, are less common for residential use but can be a great option for large commercial spaces or oddly-shaped roofs, plus they have a low material cost. But, here’s the catch — they’re the least efficient and can take up more space.

In terms of longevity, you’re looking at solar panels that are pretty low-maintenance — I’m talking about a solid 25–30 year lifespan. In Ohio’s climate, with its share of snow and ice, you’ll want to brush off the panels (gently!) to keep them basking in the limited winter sun. Otherwise, they’re pretty chill and don’t need much fuss to keep them going. So, invest in good quality, schedule an occasional check-up, and your panels will be golden — or should I say, sunny?

Making the Decision: Is Solar Right for You?

Alright, picture this: You’re eyeing up that sunny rooftop of yours, wondering if it’s time to join the solar revolution. It’s a big move, and you want to get it right. So let’s walk through some key considerations to help you figure out if solar power is your home’s new best friend.

First up, let’s talk roof real estate. Have a good look at your roof — is it spacious, mostly free of shade, and in solid condition? If it’s under a constant shadow from a towering oak or it’s seen better days, solar panels might not be as effective. But if it’s like a sunbather’s paradise up there, you could be sitting on a goldmine of solar potential.

Next, consider your energy diet. Are your electricity bills through the roof (pun absolutely intended)? Going solar could be an epic cost-saver for you. With enough panels, you might even wave goodbye to those bills altogether in the long run.

Now, let’s chat about the cash. There’s no denying that upfront, solar panels come with a price tag. But think of it as investing in a techy savings account. With tax incentives, rebates, and financing options, that initial outlay could shrink faster than ice cream in the sun. Plus, over time your panels will start paying for themselves with the savings you make on energy costs.

So, yeah, there’s a bit to ponder — like any good relationship, it’s about compatibility. If you’ve got the sunny spot, a hunger for energy, and a readiness to invest in your future, then it might just be time to swipe right on solar panels. And remember, this isn’t just about today’s savings; it’s about setting yourself up for a brighter, greener tomorrow.


Alright, Ohioans, let’s get real about solar. You might be wondering, “Is solar energy worth it in my neck of the woods?” You bet it is, and here’s why: Ohio is increasingly sunny for solar investments (yes, even with our famously fickle weather). Net metering policies in the Buckeye State let you earn credits for excess power you generate. Plus, with the federal solar tax credit, you can chop a hefty 30% off the cost of your solar system. State-level incentives and solar renewable energy certificates (SRECs) sweeten the deal even more, making the switch to solar in Ohio a savvy financial move. But hey, we get it — jumping into the solar scene can be daunting, and you need the nitty-gritty to make an informed decision.

Feeling charged up about solar? Still got questions? Let’s talk. Shoot us a message, and we’ll help you figure out exactly how much you could save with solar panels on your roof. Every home is unique and so should be your solar solution. Don’t let the Ohio sun set on your chance to save money and the planet — get in touch for a personalized solar assessment tailored just for you!

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