Types of Portable Generators: What you need to know!

Tony Benn
6 min readAug 28, 2021


The power of a portable generator is invaluable in an emergency situation. When the power goes out, you can count on your portable generator to keep your home or business up and running until utility crews are able to restore electricity. But when it comes time to purchase a new one, which type should you choose? There are four different types of generators that we will discuss in this blog post: gas powered, diesel powered, propane fueled and solar-powered. The type you need will depend on where you live and what needs powering.

Types of Portable Power Generators

What are the different types of Portable Generator

Gas powered generators

Gas powered generators are used by many homeowners. These portable generators can be refueled and provide reliable power for your home in an emergency situation or as part of regular maintenance. They run on gasoline, which must be purchased at most stores that sell fuel products. The size of the generator you need will depend on how much wattage you want to produce: ___watts per hour (up to 1000 watts), ___(1001–2000 watts)___(2001–4000 watts). A high quality surge protector should always be included with these units so that they do not burn up when the unit starts automatically due to a power outage.

Diesel Generators

Diesel generators are also reliable sources of power in an emergency situation. They run on diesel fuel, which is very common and can be found at many gas stations. The size of the generator will depend on how much wattage you want to produce: ___watts per hour (up to 1000 watts), ___(1001–2000 watts)___(2001–4000 watts). A high quality surge protector should always be included with these units so that they do not burn up when the unit starts automatically due to a power outage.

Propane Fueled Generators

Propane fueled generators are another reliable source of emergency electricity during an extended power outage. They run on propane, which is very common and can be found at many gas stations. The size of the generator will depend on how much wattage you want to produce: ___watts per hour (up to 1000 watts), ___(1001–2000 watts)___(2001–4000 watts). A high quality surge protector should always be included with these units so that they do not burn up when the unit starts automatically due to a power outage.

Solar Powered Generators

Solar powered generators are also available that use solar energy as their source of electricity production. These units can be plugged into your home or business, and then they will recharge with sunlight during the day so that you have reliable emergency backup power at night if needed. Their wattage will depend on how much power you need: ___watts per hour (up to 1000 watts), ___(1001–2000 watts)___(2001–4000 watts). A high quality surge protector should always be included with these units so that they do not burn up when the unit starts automatically due to a power outage.

Wind Generators

Wind generators are a new type of generator that is being used by homeowners and businesses as an alternative source of electricity production during power outages or other emergency situations. They have large propeller blades that turn when there is wind so they produce energy without needing fuel like gasoline or diesel. Their cost typically starts around $500 for smaller units with 100 watts per hour capacity moving up into the thousands of dollars for larger units producing more than 750 watts per hour capacity: ___watts per hour (up to 1000 watts), ___(1001–2000 watts)___(2001–4000 watts). A high quality surge protector should always be included with these units so that they do not burn up when the unit starts automatically due to a power outage.

Emergency generators

Emergency generators can be found in many different types of formats, including gas powered, propane fueled and solar/wind powered options. They are very useful for providing emergency electricity during extended power outages or other emergencies where it is necessary to have portable sources of electricity generation available: ___watts per hour (up to 1000 watts), ___(1001–2000 watts)___(2001–4000 watts). A high quality surge protector should always be included with these units so that they do not burn up when the unit starts automatically due to a power outage. The cost will depend on how much wattage you need as well as what type of generator you decide to purchase.

Propane Generators

Propane generators are very similar in design and production of energy as gas powered models, but require propane fuel instead: ___watts per hour (up to 1000 watts), ___(1001–2000 watts)___(2001–4000 watts). A high quality surge protector should always be included with these units so that they do not burn up when the unit starts automatically due to a power outage. They have automatic shut off switches just like gas generator models which means there is no need for manually shutting them down during use. The cost of propane generators usually start at around $400 for units producing low wattage capacity and go up to several thousand dollars if you need a very large unit with upwards of 4000 watts: ___watts per hour (up to 1000 watts), ___(1001–2000 watts)___(2001–4000 watts). A high quality surge protector should always be included with these units so that they do not burn up when the unit starts automatically due to a power outage.

How to Choose a Power Generator

Determine what wattage capacity you need for your generator and whether or not it will be used in dry, moist or wet conditions. This information is needed to determine the type of material that should be used to construct the housing unit so that they can withstand exposure to harsh weather elements.

A high quality surge protector should always be included with these units so that they do not burn up when the unit starts automatically due to a power outage. The cost will depend on how much wattage you need as well as what type of generator you decide to purchase.

Gas generators are typically the cheapest option, but they can be noisy and create dangerous fumes if not used properly or in a well ventilated area

Frequently Asked Questions

How many hours is a portable generator good for?

A portable generator can be good for anything from a few hours to up to 12 hours, depending on the size of your device. If you’re looking at an emergency backup option, look into smaller models that are only good for half or around three hours.

Do portable generators need maintenance?

Maintenance on a generator is optional, but highly recommended. Whenever you store your generator for an extended period of time it’s beneficial to put in some gas stabilizer and let the device rest at least once every few months. This can keep your machine running smoothly so that when you go out there is no need to do any expensive repairs.

How far away from the house should a portable generator be?

Typically generators are placed at least 20 feet away from the house, and closer if you’re using it for a specific appliance. However, there is another option like remote controls, that allows you to power your appliances even when they aren’t near you.

Can you leave a portable generator unattended?

No, do not leave a generator unattended. Many people try to go back inside their house or get some fresh air away from the noise of the machine only to come out later and find that it has stopped working due to overheating.


If you want to have power on the go, then a portable generator is your best bet. With our full guide about types of generators that we found in this blog post, you’ll be able to find one perfect for your needs! Don’t forget about these important tips when shopping around for an emergency backup plan as well. It’s always better to be safe than sorry and it can never hurt to do more research before making such an investment!



Tony Benn

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do"