Tony LumBBQ sauce problems pt.1So last July 4th, I went to the supermarket to go food shopping for the big day. Usually, stuff, nothing too fancy, burgers, hotdogs, corn…Sep 3, 2019Sep 3, 2019
Tony LumRuby Array.flattenWhen I first started programming, there were many instances I would end up with a nested array due to my inexperience of the language. A…May 6, 2019May 6, 2019
Tony LumRuby Iterator — EachWhen I first started learning Ruby, one of the most helpful things I did was to learn to breakdown methods that the language provided. It…Apr 26, 2019Apr 26, 2019
Tony LumCS4All(Computer Science for All)When attending primary school in New York City, I remember having computers in the classrooms and even a “computer literacy” class. While…Feb 25, 2019Feb 25, 2019
Tony LumFuture of data storage?Modern computer storage has come along way from punch cards and refrigerator size hard drives(IBM 305). We now have secure digital(SD)…Jan 31, 2019Jan 31, 2019
Tony LumEmergency Services and the InternetWhile we may have near “unlimited” internet at home, there are many isp data plans that have a data cap. A data cap is a limiter placed by…Jan 10, 2019Jan 10, 2019
Tony LumXOR(exclusive OR) in ruby, and a bit more.While working on a Triangle definition lab for a class I came across a particularly difficult problem to write clean. The original code…Dec 11, 2018Dec 11, 2018