Performance analysis of Celestia light node

Tony Marma
3 min readApr 20, 2023

As the blockchain landscape continues to evolve, new networks and protocols are emerging with unique features and capabilities. Celestia, First Modular Blockchain network built on top of the Cosmos ecosystem, has garnered attention for its innovative approach to decentralized finance (DeFi) and cross-chain interoperability. At the heart of the Celestia network is the Celestia Node, which serves as a crucial component in facilitating seamless communication and coordination among different blockchains. In this blog post, we will dive into an analysis of the Celestia Light Node.

What is Celestia Node?

Celestia Node is the software implementation that runs on a node in the Celestia network. Celestia aims to bring innovative DeFi solutions to the Cosmos ecosystem, providing users with new ways to access and manage digital assets.

Light Nodes: Light Nodes, as the name suggests, are lighter versions of nodes in the Celestia Network. These nodes do not store the entire blockchain data like Full Storage nodes, but instead, they only store a subset of data, such as headers and fraud proofs. Light Nodes do not participate in the consensus process and do not validate transactions or create new blocks. Their primary role is to gossip, or share, headers, fraud proofs, and sometimes block shares with other Light Nodes.

Hi! My name is Tony Marma. Today I will be doing a performance analysis of Celestia light node. For my test I will be using the “e2-standard-2” from Google Cloud which has 2 vCPUs , 100 GB SSD and 8 GB of memory. I will measure the following parameters: Node Uptime, Hard Disk Space Usage, Network Traffic and Load Average.

Node Uptime: To check node uptime, I am using Tiascan. Validators, Bridge Nodes, Full Storage Nodes and Light Nodes can check uptime at Tiascan very easily. Note that you have to enable node metrics to view your node uptime.

Node Uptime

As you can see on my node is running as expected and its sampling data. My node uptime is slowly increasing so, I don’t have to worry about it.

Disk Space Usage: I am checking disk usage in human-readable format by running the following command:

df -h
Hard Disk Space Usage

This is overall disk space usage on my VPS including all system files and folders. My VPS has 100 GB SSD and it’s only running Celestia light node with all necessary tools and files. No others software's and tools are installed or running.

Now I will check exact disk usage by Celestia light node. To do this I will simply check the size ofcelestia-light-blockspacerace-0 directory” by running this command:

du -h ~/.celestia-light-blockspacerace-0
Exact Disk Space Used By Celestia Light Node

Network Traffic: To check network traffic, I am using “iftop”. I have run the

sudo apt install iftop

To install “iftop” and

sudo iftop

for checking network traffic. Check the image below for example:

Network Traffic

System Load Average: I am using “htop” for checking system load.

Celestia Light Node System Load

Conclusion: All measurements were done after node has been fully synced up with blockchain. I have posted the results as screenshot. During the node running I have not encounter any major issue or bug. If I do mistakes, I am sorry and I will try to fix it. Have a good day!

