Julia B. Buxton Bridge in Agawam, MA

One Bridge at a Time

Tony Surrette
2 min readFeb 21, 2016


I was telling a long time friend about my current health situation. I mentioned that I was having surgery to remove a tumor on my pineal gland in my brain. I confidently said that I wasn’t worried that much about the surgery but more so the pathology results after the surgery. Understandably I don’t want the tumor to be cancerous, but the comment stopped me dead in my tracks. Before my friend had the chance to continue the conversation I wrote “one bridge at a time” .

In the very essence of my comment “one bridge at a time”, that moment delivered the first time in awhile I had clarity about my current health situation. Why was I worried about the unknown more so than the known. You can only cross one bridge at a time. The truth is anything can happen to any of us at any given time. We can only deal with one obstacle at a time. One step before the next. Despite my current pain, it is my next step to help others before the surgery and before I begin to worry about what is after surgery. My first step is to cross the first bridge. That first bridge is to inspire anyone who reads this. I am hopeful that my children will read it one day and take solace from the fact that they need not worry about unknowns. Life is absolutely hard enough without putting unnecessary pressures on ourselves. You are 100% in control of you but not necessarily the world around you. Put yourself in situations and surroundings that mirror your values and aspirations, and ultimately adjust those that do not. Identify what is directly in front of you and don’t worry about the next until you have to.

I have lived in Agawam, MA for 6 years now and have driven over the bridge in the picture hundreds of times. I always wanted to go down under the bridge and capture this shot. It was never the right timing to stop though. To park down on the street was dangerous and I never had the guts to go passed the “do not enter” signs if I did. The morning after my conversation with my friend I had to. This was my next “bridge”. I only stood down by the water under the bridge for a few minutes after I took the picture, but it was magical. It was exactly where I needed to be in that moment of my life.

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Tony Surrette

I am a #CPA, business owner, adviser, author and most importantly a father of two beautiful daughters.