We Hope Together

Tony Surrette
2 min readMay 21, 2016


The truth is all we really have is hope.

That is the fun (and chaotic) part of being a human. We try and calculate the best odds and methodically choose the best paths but nothing is guaranteed. We write our own stories day in and day out hoping for the best. We try to do what is “best” sometimes even subconsciously . There is a million things we haven’t done yet. BUT we will. I know this is true because we have HOPE.

Rest easy tonight because the sun will come out tomorrow…and with it lies the opportunity to continue to hope. Hope that your dreams will come true, hope that boy or girl you have a crush on will like you back, the hope that your children will be healthy, the hope that your grandparents will invite you over for Sunday dinner, the hope that work will realize your talents, the hope that you will win that lottery ticket, the hope that artist you love will have a new concert or show, the hope that you will be happy, the hope that you will get to see your parents see your success, however you measure it. I hope with you. I hope you know you are not alone in your hopes because although someone may not tell you daily, people care and are watching — hoping that you achieve your hopes. I spend this moment writing this hoping to talk to everyone reading this. To let them know WE hope together.



Tony Surrette

I am a #CPA, business owner, adviser, author and most importantly a father of two beautiful daughters.