8 Best Ways to Pass Turnitin AI Detection and Plagiarism Check

You can easily bypass and cheat Turnitin AI checker without paying someone to humanize my paper online. Here are 8 very effective methods you can use

Fidela N
13 min readMar 15, 2024
How to pass Turnitin AI detection
How to pass Turnitin AI detection

Several people have been asking if it is even possible to beat Turnitin AI detection today. The answer is yes. You can easily avoid Turnitin AI checker by following best practices proven effective since the AI detector was launched. I have gone through a number of similar articles informing people on how to get through AI detectors such as Turnitin. I have compiled some of the effective means after so many trials. I have also added my ideas on it and created a comprehensive guide for writers, particularly students whose research papers and essays have been getting flagged as AI content on Turnitin.

Instead of worrying about how AI detectors work, focus on writing your paper authentically, whether you use ChatGPT or any other AI. Here’s how to bypass AI detection software:

How to Cheat and Pass Turnitin AI Detection and Plagiarism Checker For Free in 2024:

  1. Create your own paper titles instead of copying titles generated by AI tools when generating paper outline.
  2. When writing, use AI as a guide and for research only, not a content generator, to keep control of your ideas.
  3. Avoid changing the structure of your sentences using Grammarly or other Grammar checkers as these are also AI tools.
  4. Avoid spinning tools like Quillbot; paraphrase and rephrase ideas in your own words for clarity instead of AI tools.
  5. Structure your paper with clear introductions, properly cited arguments, and conclusions.
  6. Avoid jargons and complicated vocabularies common in AI generated content
  7. Minimize the use of pronouns and demonstratives words.
  8. When your paper is detected as AI, manually rewrite and rephrase every flagged content one sentence at a time while checking to ensure the AI flags are removed.

Alternatively, hire someone on Coursepivot.com to humanize AI content.

Before we know how to get past Turnitin AI detection, it is important we first understand the reasons why your content is getting flagged as AI content on Turnitin. So, the question is, why is my paper coming out as AI generated when I check using Turnitin? The answer is simple, your content is being flagged as AI because of the following reasons:

Whether AI detectors such as Turnitin are accurate, that is question most of us would consider subjective. However, let dive deeper into the best ways to bypass Turnitin AI detector and lower AI similarity index to 0%. This guide works even for removing or passing Turnitin plagiarism checker.

In this guide, am going to clearly and thoroughly describe how to humanize your content and pass the Turnitin AI checker online for free, as well as plagiarism detection without using other AI tools which have proven to be unreliable. Although there are several ways you can trick Turnitin AI detection and plagiarism checker, it is important to master the effective ways and be clear of the worries of getting penalized by your instructor for avoidable mistakes.

If you need someone to help humanize your AI generated content and make sure your paper passes Turnitin’s AI detection, get help from COURSEPIVOT.COM. This is a reliable essay writing service where you can pay someone to write a custom paper for you.

As of January 2024, Turnitin released its latest software update. Many students I’ve talked to are upset because their original papers are showing up as 50% AI-generated on Turnitin. They’re asking, “How can I beat Turnitin without spending money?” But here’s the thing: Turnitin’s AI detection isn’t always accurate. Small things like missing commas or colons can trigger it. So, no AI detector is perfect.

Turnitin’s AI detection software and other tools like Copyleaks, GPT zero have changed how students rely on GPT.

Although some instructors are permitting students to use AI tools to write papers and complete assignments (not all homework types though), there is some caution; you must cite the AI in your paper.

But then, how can you cite AI in your essay when these tools got this information from any source out there on the internet, whether reliable or not? Can you imagine that AI tools collect information from social media sites and even Wikipedia pages and so on? How can you, a whole undergraduate, cite someone’s Twitter content and ideas in your academic paper? H**l no! We can do better.

I always encourage students to use AI tools for research and then verify those arguments using peer-reviewed journal articles on Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Semantic Scholar, PubMed, and so on. Only this way, and I mean it, does your paper sound professional and worthy of some good grades.

So, while you are doing all this research, you might still end up in the trap of Turnitin AI detector. Not because you used any AI to write your essay; it’s basically how you did your paper that matters.

I will spill the beans today (something that most either don’t know or are deliberately hiding from their colleagues). Here are the 8 straightforward ways to pass that challenging and frustrating Turnitin AI detector and lower the AI and Plagiarism rate closer to Zero than 100.

Remember, you cannot trust Stealthwriter.ai and undetectable.ai to humanize your content and expect to retain the same logical flow of ideas. These tools will mess up your paper and so I wouldn’t recommend them as legit way to bypass Turnitin AI checker.

Create your own paper titles instead of copying titles generated by AI tools when generating paper outline

When you’re composing an essay, it might seem convenient to let AI tools come up with flashy titles for you. But here’s the thing: choosing titles isn’t just about grabbing attention. It’s a chance to showcase your grasp of the topic and establish the mood for your essay. By creating your own titles, you infuse your work with your personal perspective and style, making it more authentic and engaging for your readers.

“After realizing that my essay titles were flagged as AI-generated, I decided to take matters into my own hands. By crafting my own titles, I not only avoided the AI detection but also felt more connected to my writing. It allowed me to express my thoughts in a way that felt genuine and unique. Thanks to this simple tip, I was able to maintain the integrity of my work and pass Turnitin’s AI checker without any issues.”

When writing, use AI as a guide and for research only, not a content generator, to keep control of your ideas

When you’re writing, it’s tempting to let AI do all the heavy lifting. But instead of relying on it to generate your entire essay, think of AI as a helpful assistant. Use it to gather research and organize your ideas, but ultimately, it’s up to you to craft the content. By taking this approach, you maintain control over your thoughts, structure, and writing style, while still benefiting from AI’s support in shaping your arguments effectively.

If you’ve already written your paper or essay and it was flagged as AI generated, it is important to avoid using other AI humanizers to remove the flags and trick Turnitin AI checker. Instead, take the manual route. The only proven way to pass Turnitin AI content detection is by manually rewriting and paraphrasing the flagged paragraphs and sentences one at a time, while rechecking until all flagged parts are completely removed. You can do this yourself or pay an actual expert on reliable AI humanizing services like Coursepivot.com to humanize AI content for you. This hands-on approach is the most reliable way to bypass Turnitin’s AI detection in 2024 without altering the essence or flow of your paper’s arguments.

“After struggling to pass Turnitin’s AI detection with my paper filled with flagged content, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I meticulously went through each sentence and paragraph, manually rewriting and paraphrasing the flagged sections. It was a time-consuming process, but the result was worth it. By ensuring that every sentence and paragraph was authentically mine, I successfully bypassed Turnitin’s AI detection without compromising the integrity of my paper. It’s proof that sometimes, the old-fashioned manual approach is still the most effective.”

“After struggling to navigate Turnitin’s AI detection, I sought help from Coursepivot.com. Their expert not only removed all traces of AI-generated content but also ensured that my dissertation remained entirely human-written. Thanks to their assistance, I confidently submitted my paper, knowing it would pass AI scrutiny with flying colors. It’s a testament to the expertise and dedication of the professionals at Coursepivot.com.”

Avoid changing the structure of your sentences using Grammarly or other Grammar checkers as these are also AI tools

Grammarly, like other grammar checkers, relies on AI technology to analyze and improve your writing. However, it’s important to be aware that relying too heavily on Grammarly, especially its premium features, can alter the structure of your sentences in a way that makes them resemble AI-generated content. Even the basic version of Grammarly has been reported to increase the AI content percentage in papers. Instead of depending solely on Grammarly, manually correct grammar and punctuation errors to maintain the human touch in your writing. Striking a balance between automated assistance and manual editing is key to preserving the authenticity of your work and ensuring it passes AI detection.

Just remember that Turnitin AI content detection system can also detect Grammarly written content so it is wise to avoid relying on grammar checkers. If you really need proofread and editing of your research paper, instead of using AI tools, pay someone on a website like Coursepivot.com to edit and proofread your paper.

“After realizing that Grammarly was inadvertently increasing the AI content percentage in my paper, I took a different approach. I meticulously proofread and edited my paper manually, ensuring that every correction was made with a human touch. This simple adjustment made all the difference, allowing me to bypass Turnitin’s AI detection with ease. It’s a reminder that sometimes, old-school methods are still the most effective.”

Avoid spinning tools like Quillbot; paraphrase and rephrase ideas in your own words for clarity instead of AI tools

One very latest finding is that Quillbot (paraphrasing tool) is detected by Turnitin and many other detectors. Don’t spin content or paraphrase your paper using Quillbot and expect to pass or cheat Turnitin AI detection.

When writer’s block strikes, it’s tempting to rely on spin bots like Quillbot to quickly rephrase text. However, these tools often lead to convoluted sentences, misunderstandings of the original meaning, and a lack of coherence in your writing. For academic papers, it’s crucial to maintain clarity and coherence. By paraphrasing ideas using your own words, you ensure that your work remains insightful and tailored to academic standards.

“After grappling with Turnitin’s AI detection, I finally pinpointed the issue: relying on Quillbot for quick rephrasing was a dead end. Shifting gears to manual paraphrasing and rewriting was the game-changer. By infusing my own voice into the content, I successfully outsmarted Turnitin’s AI detection. It’s proof that sometimes, the manual approach is the only way to beat the system.”

Tip 5: Structure your paper with clear introductions, properly cited arguments, and conclusions

In academic writing, the structure of your paragraphs is key to conveying your ideas effectively. Start each paragraph with a clear introduction sentence, followed by a detailed explanation supported by evidence from relevant sources. Conclude the paragraph with a sentence that summarizes the main idea. This organized format ensures a logical flow of ideas, making it easier for readers to understand your argument and the evidence backing it up.

Make sure all external arguments are properly cited using either HARVARD, CHICAGO, APA, or MLA or any other format. In most cases, properly cited sentence will not be flagged as AI content on Turnitin unless the argument has been repeated over in the same paragraph or paper. Remember, repetition of arguments in the same paper or paragraph is one factor AI detectors check when flagging your writing as AI generated.

“After struggling to pass Turnitin’s AI detection, I realized the importance of structure. A poorly organized paper was like a red flag to the AI. Once I focused on crafting clear topic sentences, supporting them with evidence, and concluding each paragraph effectively, I noticed a significant improvement. It’s a reminder that structure isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a crucial component of passing Turnitin’s scrutiny.”

The fewer sources you cite in your paper, the more likely it will seem AI-written than humanly. Make sure to add direct quotes randomly throughout your paper to reduce AI content red flags when using Turnitin. The direct quotes should be properly cited.

Proper citation is a cornerstone of academic integrity, and it plays a significant role in distinguishing human-generated content from AI-written material. Ensure your paper adheres to the appropriate referencing style, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard. While citing sources is essential, avoid the pitfall of citing too few or too many. Striking a balance in your citations demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and helps maintain the human touch in your writing.

I used to think more citations meant a better paper. But then, my professor pointed out that it made my work seem less authentic. Now, I focus on citing the key sources that directly contribute to my argument. It not only keeps me in line with the referencing style but also makes my paper sound more like my own work.

Avoid jargons and complicated vocabularies common in AI generated content

You must have noticed that AI tools such as ChatGPT likes adding unnecessary vocabularies in every piece it spins out for you. These words are barely useful and only complicate your paper. Even if you are writing from scratch, avoid unnecessary vocabulary, as these may be detected by Turnitin software as AI content, especially with the latest Turnitin update as of December 2023. ChatGPT’s most loved vocabularies like delve, tapestry, intricacies, multifaceted, complexities, etc are meaningless and add no value to your paper.

In academic writing, clarity is paramount. Avoiding unnecessary jargon and complex vocabulary is essential, as it not only makes your paper challenging to comprehend but can also trigger plagiarism detection algorithms like Turnitin. These tools are programmed to recognize patterns and language structures prevalent in AI-generated content. By opting for simple and concise language, you improve the readability of your work and decrease the risk of it being flagged as potentially machine-generated.

“After struggling to pass Turnitin’s scrutiny, I realized that simplicity is the key. By simplifying my writing and avoiding the use of AI-like vocabularies, I successfully bypassed detection. It’s a reminder that sometimes, less is more when it comes to academic writing.”

Minimize the use of pronouns and demonstratives words.

It is very clear that if you use too much of “The” “These” “Those” and “This” articles in your paper, Turnitin will mostly flag your content as AI generated. Instead of using “These” mention the actual item you are referring to. For instance, if I was talking about a study conducted by Anthony in 2021, even if i have already mention the research in the preceding sentence, I would prefer not to say, “This study was conducted on the eve of…..” Instead, I could say, “Anthony conducted this study…” This way, Turnitin AI detector won’t flag this as AI. In most cases, using “These” and related demonstrative words is associated with an AI tool analyzing your input.

In the same way that avoiding pronouns is possible, referring to individuals by their actual names is preferable. For example, rather than stating, “He did not provide the best possible argument…,” using “Donald did not provide the best…” is preferred. However, this approach depends on the feasibility of replicating pronouns without sounding robotic or compromising the quality of the paper.

“After grappling with Turnitin’s AI detection, I realized the impact of pronouns and demonstrative words. By minimizing their use and opting for specific names or nouns, I avoided triggering the AI flag. Shifting from phrases like ‘This study’ to ‘Anthony conducted this study’ made a significant difference. It’s a reminder that small adjustments in language can make a big impact in passing AI detection.”

Manually rewrite and rephrase every flagged content one sentence at a time

When your paper is flagged as AI-generated, manual rewriting and paraphrasing become your best allies. By meticulously reworking each flagged sentence and paragraph, you ensure that the AI detection is bypassed effectively. It’s crucial to do this manually rather than relying on AI tools like Quillbot, which are also flagged as AI content.

For longer papers like dissertations or if manual rewriting is not feasible, Coursepivot.com offers a solution. This platform provides expert assistance in humanizing AI-generated content without altering the original arguments. Their manual rewriting service ensures that your paper is free from AI content, and they even provide a Turnitin AI detection report in PDF format to confirm its authenticity. This hands-on approach is the most reliable way to trick and bypass AI content detection in writing.

Coursepivot.com stands out as the premier AI humanizer, leveraging the expertise of real professionals to deliver papers free from AI content. With a meticulous approach to manual rewriting and editing, Coursepivot.com ensures that your paper maintains its original arguments while eliminating any traces of AI-generated content.

Coursepivot’s commitment to quality is unparalleled, guaranteeing a final product with 0% AI content. What sets Coursepivot.com apart is their transparency and accountability; they provide a comprehensive PDF report from Turnitin AI detection, confirming the authenticity of your paper. With Coursepivot.com, you can trust that your work will pass scrutiny with flying colors, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your academic endeavors.

“Thanks to Coursepivot.com, I finally conquered Turnitin’s AI detector. Their experts humanized my AI-generated content flawlessly, ensuring my paper was 100% authentic. It’s a game-changer for anyone facing AI detection hurdles in their academic journey.”

My Take on AI Tools that Claim to Humanize AI generated content online

Let’s talk about those AI tools that promise to make AI-generated content seem more human, all in an effort to dodge Turnitin’s watchful eye. While it might seem like a clever idea, I’ve found there’s a big catch.

Sure, avoiding Turnitin’s AI detector is a real concern, but relying on tools like Stealthwriter.ai or undetectable.ai might not be the smartest move. These tools try to make content look human, but they often mess things up.

The problem is, these AI tools can’t fully understand what they’re working with. They might make your paper seem human, but they can mess up your citations and change what you’re trying to say. That’s not good if you’re aiming for academic excellence.

So, what’s the solution? Well, I’ve found that going back to basics works best. Manually revising your paper or getting professional help ensures a careful check that sticks to the rules of proper citation and keeps your research on track.

In the end, it’s not just about tricking Turnitin’s AI detector; it’s about presenting your ideas clearly and sticking to academic standards. Take your time, put in the effort, and you’ll not only pass Turnitin’s test but also produce work that stands tall in the academic world. Good luck with your studies!

FAQ Section

How can I pass Turnitin AI detection?

To successfully pass Turnitin’s AI detection, it’s essential to approach your writing with care and diligence. Start by crafting original paper titles and using AI tools solely for research purposes, not as content generators. Avoid altering sentence structures using Grammarly or similar tools, and steer clear of spinning tools like Quillbot. Structure your paper with clear introductions, properly cited arguments, and conclusions. Keep your language simple and concise, minimizing the use of complex jargon and pronouns. If your paper is flagged as AI-generated, manually rewrite and rephrase flagged content one sentence at a time to ensure its authenticity. Alternatively, consider seeking assistance from Coursepivot.com to humanize AI content. By following these guidelines and maintaining academic integrity, you can navigate Turnitin’s AI detection successfully.



Fidela N

I write genuine reviews of the best services online for students. Over 10 years experience as a research paper writer and homework helper on various platforms.