Building a Growth Hack List

Tobi Hikari
3 min readOct 23, 2017


I launched MadeWithoutCode three months ago and so far it has gone pretty well. I got over 300 upvotes on Producthunt, the chat community and newsletter are growing and I got my first paying sponsors.

Life after hype

As a solopreneur/ maker — whatever you want to call me — it can be hard to keep up the traction to your site. After giving some interviews, and crossposting my launch article, I searched the web to find more growth hacking methods a single person can easily do with a small budget and without spending a lot of time. I quickly noticed that, although there are a lot of great resources on growth hacking, I couldn’t find a good growth hack list with the focus on makers like me.

Solve your own problems

Because of that I started to put together a list of the methods that fit into three categories: One person can do them, cost rank between 0$-100$ and can be done in a appropriate time. I also added to the method name a little description, sources where I can read more about them, tools I can use, if they worked for me and the level of difficulty.

Building it

I wanted to build it again without code. So the setup for Growthhacklist was similar to the tech stack for Madewithoutcode. For the Frontend I am using again Carrd, an awesome website builder by Ajlkn. For the backend I decided to build the list with Airtable. To get access to Growthhacklist the customer needs to pay a SignUp and then has access for one year. You can also do that easily in Carrd with advanced forms and redirect then to whatever Url you want. For example, the signup site for Growthhacklist. To keep track of new customers I also collect all new entries automatically with Zapier in a Google Sheet.

I hope the article is helpful for you and perhaps I’ll see you in our community or join my newsletter and get all the insights about Madewithoutcode and the latest news about new products.

✌️ Tobias

PS: Feel free to contact me or add your thoughts here in the comment section.

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