The 10 tools I use to simplify my daily teacher work

Tobi Hikari
4 min readOct 22, 2015


No. 1 Evernote

For teachers work Evernote is the best app I am using on a daily basis. Above all I use Evernote to plan and archive my entire lesson planing. It’s a must have and it just syncs beautifully across all devices. Furthermore, if you have a smartboard, you can use it to show your class everything you want, from your lesson plan to word or pdf documents etc. Evernote can handle every type of document!

Costs: FREE (With Subscription Model)

Visit Evernote

No. 2 iMobileSitter

iMobileSitter protects your passwords, PINs, and lists of transaction numbers (TAN lists). It is very secure and easy to handle. And by the amount of the passwords I get in school alone it is a great tool to remember and save passwords.

Costs: 5,99$

Visit iMobileSitter


Ifttt is a very powerful app to automate your work. With Ifttt you can connect apps you use frequently and make DO Recipes and IF Recipes. Simple example: Every time I safe a Scan in my Dropbox it automatically saves that file in my digital letter box in Evernote.

Costs: FREE

Visit Ifttt

No. 4 FastScanner

I receive every day a huge amount of letters, information and notes. Since I am trying to work paperless I scan all the important documents and with Ifttt they are automatically saved in my Evernote account. I am not 100% convinced by the quality of the scans but I think that is the same issue with other Scan Apps. It works for Android and IOS.

Costs: FREE

Download FastScanner (IPhone)

No. 5 Noisli

Noisli is here to make you more focused and boost your productivity: a background noise generator that helps you drown out annoying noises and that lets you create your perfect environment for working and relaxing. You can mix different sounds and create your perfect sound environment tailored to your personal need and taste. This can be really helpful if you have a lesson free or just want to focus on work.

Costs: FREE

Visit Noisli

No. 6 Sunrise Calendar

For me Sunrise Calendar is one of the best calendar apps out there. It’s easy to connect with google calendar and has a great design! It works perfectly on any device or just in your browser.

Costs: FREE

Sunrise for MAC

No. 7 FireShot

FireShot is a useful Chrome extension I use a lot to capture entire pages or only part of them. You can save the captures as a PDF and image file, send them to e-mail or print them.

Costs: FREE

Get Chrome Extension

No. 8 Remind 101

One of my favourite apps on this list is Remind. I really missed an app to communicate easily with my students. Ok, I could give them my number and open up a WhatsApp chat or make a Facebook Group. However, personally, neither of these were options. I am quite happy with Remind now. You can download it on any device and open a chat room for every single class. It is easier than making particular announcements to a class or just chatting with one student.

Costs: FREE

Visit Remind

No.9 Slack

Slack is a team communication app. In my point of view it could be very useful at schools to manage the entire internal communication process. However, at my school this would be an idea for the future. Nevertheless I use slack a lot because there are some great communities built around the app. For example, I built a teacher chat community based on Slack to connect teachers around the world (

Costs: FREE (With Subscription Model)

Visit Slack

No.10 TED

Not an app but a great inspiration is TED and especially TED Ed. There are always great Talks about interesting topics and ideas. Highly recommended!

Costs: FREE

Visit TED

Of course I have not mentioned all of useful apps. Others include Dropbox, Doodle, Skitch, Mindmaster, Trello (To-Do App) etc. but I thought you probably know these already and I wanted to put focus on the tools I really use on a daily basis.

And I’m now on Twitter and Instagram too if you’d like to follow more of my adventures.

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