LevX DAO Gotchigaaang Overview Part 1 — Portals & Wearables

2 min readNov 3, 2021



Each Portal has its own ERC721 NFT ID. A Portal is similar to an unopened deck of cards.
Aavegotchi Portals have had to mints or Hauntings. Each Portal opens with 10 Aavegotchi. Choose one of the ten Aavegotchi and summon it.

The Portal’s metadata then transforms into your Aavegotchi.
In addition, you can summon an Aavegotchi at any time from the portal or if you prefer you can list the portal for sale on the Baazaar.

For reference, during the 2nd Haunting, 12k Portals (80%) were auctioned off, with the remaining 3k going to GHST stakers in a Drop Ticket Raffle in early September.

Aavegotchis can be summoned with a Haunt 2 Portal, but they require a specific Aave token as collateral, also known as Spirit Force.

The first Haunt used custom maToken bridge (as Aave wasn’t yet on Polygon). This bridge is still open, and most maTokens are liquid at quickswap.exchange. Now that Aave runs natively on Polygon, Haunt 2 Gotchis require staking. Because Aave on Polygon has fewer tokens listed, Haunt 2 cannot support some Spirit Force themes:






These themes are currently exclusive to Haunt 1, but they may return in future Haunts!

Haunt 2 adds three new Aavegotchi themes:




Because two of these collaterals are only available on Aave Polygon, and of course why not a BTC option for the boomers.


Aavegotchi Wearables are ERC1155. Wearables not only improve your Aavegotchi’s looks, but also their traits and rarity score, allowing them to perform better in mini-games and rarity farming.

Wearables can be equipped or dismounted at any time, affecting the Aavegotchi’s BRS (Base Rarity Score).

When bidding, keep in mind that rarity has a direct impact on an item’s market value. Rarity is assigned to each wearable by text, quantity, and color during the auction.

You can see the full list at https://wiki.aavegotchi.com/wearables.

