ToonPunkz: An Actual 1:1 CryptoPunks Derivative

3 min readOct 12, 2023

Welcome to the fun and creative world of ToonPunkz, a collection inspired by the famous CryptoPunks. ToonPunkz combines careful attention to detail with playful art to celebrate the legacy of CryptoPunks in a cool and exciting way.

What sets ToonPunkz apart from other Punk derivatives is our unwavering commitment to achieving a true 1:1 match with the original CryptoPunks in both image and metadata. This effort ensures that every small detail, every trait, and every line aligns perfectly, even replicating the quirky mismatches found in the original CryptoPunks. For instance, if a CryptoPunk’s metadata has an earring accessory, but the earring isn’t shown in the image, you’ll find the same playful mismatch in the matching ToonPunk. If the original CryptoPunk has a “normal beard black” and “smile or frown” listed in the metadata, the matching ToonPunk will have the default mouth, not the mouth listed in its metadata, just like its counterpart! This careful design extends to how traits are layered, especially seen in the eyes and glasses layers. For example, if a CryptoPunk character wears a pair of glasses with no eyes visible beneath them, the same trait is mirrored in the ToonPunkz collection. If the original CryptoPunks character had eyes peeking from behind the glasses, then so does its ToonPunkz counterpart. The precision continues in how ToonPunkz has replicated the exact format of metadata from the CryptoPunks collection. Each trait is neatly categorized under “Accessory,” the “Type” category denotes different Punk skins, and the “# Attributes” accessory found in the original collection finds its place in ToonPunkz too. Through this blend of respect for the original and playful uniqueness, ToonPunkz offers a true reflection of CryptoPunks while adding its own fun touch to the story. Our attention to detail in truly matching the CryptoPunks images and metadata 1:1 is miles above what other derivatives have done. While other projects have generated their images solely based on the CryptoPunks metadata, leading to incorrect final images, ToonPunkz has meticulously ensured accuracy in representation. Taking it a step further, all ToonPunkz images will be forever and securely stored on chain through ARweave, showcasing our dedication to both authenticity and long-term preservation.

ToonPunkz is more than just a collection; it’s a loving nod to CryptoPunks, brought to life with a playful spirit and coded with precision. Each character invites you to explore a story that’s both familiar and new, a blend of respect for the original and creativity. Step into the ToonPunkz universe, where every line is a playful tribute to the iconic CryptoPunks, and every character opens up a world of fun adventures waiting to be discovered!

Mint info will be coming soon! Make sure to follow our account on X and turn notifications on!

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This example illustrates the earring metadata/image mismatch for #7219. The metadata shows that #7219 has the earring trait, but the trait is actually not displayed in the final image because of the specific hair trait that is present. We’ve made sure that every single ToonPunk follows the original CryptoPunks when it comes to layering and certain traits being dispalyed or modified!

