Top 10 Snoring Aids
3 min readApr 26, 2016

10 Most Effective Snoring Aids

Snoring is really an annoyance. People often think this but it is really a serious problem. Due to snoring, our breathing stops for sometimes while we are asleep which may lead to heart diseases. So, snoring should not be taken lightly. It is suggested that one should go for natural solutions rather than taking pills.

How To Stop Snoring By Using Natural Ways?

Here are some of the most used natural aids, used to treat snoring problems-

· Sleeping position, if changed, can prevent snoring. One should sleep on their side instead of lying on their back. If you lie on your back, the tongue and the soft palate remain at the back wall of the throat which causes a sound of vibration while you are asleep.

· It is better if you stop consuming alcohol. Alcohol disturbs the muscles of the throat which enables people to snore. After drinking alcohol people are likely to snore even if they do not snore usually.

· It is not totally correct but often it is said that loss of weight may help to stop snoring.

· You should keep your nasal passages open as it allows air to move through it slowly. Thus, it may help prevent snoring.

· Dehydration may also lead to snoring as it becomes sticky near the soft palate and the nose. Drinking water and keeping ourselves hydrated is one way to stop snoring.

· You should maintain proper sleep hours. If you work for long hours without any sleep it may cause snoring. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a proper sleep habit.

· Pillows should be changed to avoid allergens. Dust on the pillows can lead to allergic reactions. It is better not to allow your pets in your bedroom.

Use Of Anti- Snoring Devices To Prevent Snoring

If the above mentioned methods do not work you should consult a doctor who will advise you to go for treatment then.

· There are nasal devices available which is helpful only if the snoring is coming from the nose. It is put around the nose before sleep which dilates the nostrils.

· Use of vestibular shield or chin strips help if the snoring is coming from the mouth. They are usually placed under the chin so that it prevents your mouth from opening during sleep.

· Nowadays, surgeries are also done to stop snoring. It is basically the last option one should go for when the other options do not work. Moreover, it is not always convenient for all cases of snoring.

Apart from these if you opt for surgery, then there are four types of surgeries available which includes uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), palate implants, uvulopalatoplasty and radio frequency ablation of the soft palate. If there are serious problems in the anatomy, it may be required to remove the tonsils so as to prevent snoring.

These were the 10 different ways of snoring aids. As you can see, it is evident from the above said artcle that snoring is not categorized as a minor problem. It may cause several problems that are really harmful for our health and may turn to be annoying for the others.

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