7 Reasons Why Education Startups Fail & Ways to Avoid Them

9 min readNov 7, 2023


Starting an education business can be exciting. You get to create new ways for people to learn and grow. But it’s not always easy, and many education startups face challenges. Here, we’ll talk about seven common mistakes these startups make and how to avoid them.

7 Common Mistakes Education Startups Make and How to Avoid Them

1. Not Knowing Your Market Well:

· Mistake: Sometimes, education startups jump in without understanding who their customers are and what they want.

· Fix: Take time to learn about your customers and what they need. Look at what other similar businesses are doing, too.

Why Knowing Your Market is Important: When you know your market, you understand what people need and how you can help. You get to see who else is doing what you’re doing and find your own special spot in the crowd.

How to Learn About Your Market:

· Research: This is like doing homework for your business. Ask people questions, use online tools to see what folks are talking about, and look at what other education companies are doing.

· Talk to Your Audience: Find out who might want to use your stuff and ask them what they like or don’t like. This will help you make something that people really want.

· Look at Other Companies: See what other education businesses are doing. Learn from their wins and their oopsies.

Learning from Others: Some education companies did a great job because they knew their market well, while others didn’t do so well. Looking at these real stories can teach you a lot.

What the Experts Say: Experts often tell us that understanding your market is a big deal. They say it’s not a one-time thing but something you keep doing as your business grows. As things change, your understanding of your market should grow, too.

By taking the time to understand your market, you get a clearer picture of how to shape your education startup. It’s like having a map that guides you on how to make your business a hit with the people you want to serve.

2. Not Having Enough Money:

· Mistake: Startups often need a lot of money to grow. Without enough money, it’s hard to keep going.

· Fix: Plan your budget carefully and look for ways to save money. Also, think of other ways to make money to support your startup.

Money Troubles in Startups: Just like you need enough snacks for your party, startups need enough money to keep going. They need money to build their products, tell people about them, and keep everything running smoothly. But often, there’s not enough money to do all this, and that’s where the trouble begins.

Planning Your Budget: Before you start anything, you need to know how much money you have and where it will go. This is called budgeting. It’s like making a shopping list for your party so you know what you can and can’t afford.

Getting More Money: Sometimes, you need more money than you have. Startups can get more money by asking people to invest in their business or by getting loans. This is like asking friends to chip in for the party or finding a way to get some extra cash.

Learning from Others: There are stories of education businesses that had money problems and couldn’t keep going. By looking at what happened to them, you can learn what to avoid.

What Smart Money People Say: Money-smart people often talk about having a good plan and finding different ways to make money. For education startups, this could be charging fees for extra services or partnering with other companies. By having a good plan and being clever with money, startups have a better chance of doing well and not running out of cash.

In simple terms, having enough money, knowing how to spend it, and finding ways to make more money are big parts of making sure your education startup can keep growing and helping people learn.

3. Tech Troubles:

· Mistake: Since education startups rely on technology, any tech issue can turn customers away.

· Fix: Make sure your technology works well and is easy to use, and if there are problems, fix them quickly.

Why Technology is Important: Technology is like the magic wand for education startups. It helps them do cool things like letting students learn at their own pace or helping teachers track progress easily. But, like a wand that sometimes doesn’t do the spell right, technology can have its bad days, too.

Common Tech Problems: Just like a bad internet connection can stop you from watching your favorite show, tech issues like bugs or slow servers can upset students and teachers using the education app or website. When they can’t log in, or the page takes forever to load, it’s a bummer and makes them want to leave.

Learning from Real Stories: There are stories of education startups having a rough time because of tech issues. For instance, imagine an app crashing during a big test. It’s stressful for everyone, and people might stop using the app.

Smart Tech Tips: Tech experts say it’s like setting up a good stage for a play. Make sure everything works well before the show starts. It’s important to test the tech stuff, fix problems quickly, and make sure the app or website is easy to use. Also, having a helpful team ready to fix any tech issue quickly is a good idea.

In short, education startups need to make friends with technology, keep it in good shape, and fix problems fast. This way, they can keep the learning going smoothly and everyone happy.

4. Legal Problems:

· Mistake: The education field has many laws and rules. Not following them can cause big problems.

· Fix: Learn about the laws in your field and get advice from a lawyer to avoid breaking any rules.

Laws and Education: There are many rules in the education world. For example, if an app collects information from kids, there are strict laws about how to keep that information safe. Also, education startups need to make sure that what they teach matches certain standards.

Common Legal Challenges: Sometimes, education startups might face legal problems. They might not follow the rules on keeping personal information safe, or their teaching material might not meet the required standards. When this happens, they could get into big trouble, like having to pay fines or even being told to stop running their business.

Learning from Real Stories: There have been education startups that got into hot water because they didn’t follow the laws. For example, some faced problems for not keeping children’s information safe as required by law. These stories show how important it is to know and follow the rules.

Getting Good Legal Advice: Experts say it’s smart to get advice from legal experts who know about education laws. They can help education startups understand the big rulebook and stay out of trouble. It’s like having a guide to help you through a maze of rules.

In short, following the laws and getting good legal advice are very important for education startups. It helps them avoid problems and build a business that people can trust. Making sure you know the laws and have someone to help you understand them can go a long way in making your education startup a success.

5. Not Marketing Enough:

· Mistake: Even if you have a great education product, people won’t know about it unless you tell them.

· Fix: Plan a good marketing strategy to tell people about your startup. Try different things to find out what works the best.

Why Marketing is Important: Marketing helps to tell people what your education startup is all about. It attracts people to try out your services and keeps them coming back for more. Just like telling friends about a cool new game, marketing shares the cool stuff your startup does with the world.

Ways to Tell Your Story: There are many ways to do marketing. You can write blogs, share posts on social media, or even make fun videos. Some education startups also team up with well-known people who can help spread the word. It’s all about finding what works best to get people interested.

Learning from Others: Some education startups did a great job in marketing and got lots of people to join them. Others didn’t shout out loud enough or in the right way, and not many people noticed them. By looking at what worked and what didn’t, you can learn how to tell your story better.

Expert Tips: Marketing experts say it’s important to tell a story that people care about. It’s not just about saying, “Come and join us,” but explaining why they should. They also suggest checking to see what marketing methods are working and trying different things to find what works best.

In simple terms, marketing is like the megaphone for education startups. It helps spread the word about the great things the startup is doing. So, finding the right way to do marketing and telling a compelling story is key to getting people excited and involved with your education startup.

6. Not Adapting to Change:

· Mistake: The world changes fast. If your startup doesn’t change with it, it can fail.

· Fix: Stay open to feedback and be ready to change your plans if needed. Keep learning about new trends and ideas.

Changing Fast: The world of online education changes fast. New gadgets, new ways of teaching, and new things people want to learn keep popping up. So, education startups need to keep up with what’s fresh and exciting.

Being Adaptable: Being adaptable means being open to change and ready to learn and grow. Just like a good teacher learns to teach better over time, education startups need to learn from what works and what doesn’t.

Learning from Real Stories: Some education startups do a good job of changing with the times. For example, when the pandemic hit, they quickly moved to offer more online classes. Others who didn’t change fast found it hard to keep going.

Expert Tips: Experts say it’s important to keep learning and to listen to what users say. They also suggest creating a culture where everyone is open to trying new things and learning from them. It’s about getting better each day and being ready for what’s next.

In short, being ready to change and learn is really important for education startups. It helps them stay exciting and useful for people who want to learn. So, education startups need to keep their eyes open, listen to what people are saying, and be ready to ride the new waves that come their way.

7. Ignoring What Customers Say:

· Mistake: If you don’t listen to your customers, you won’t know what they like or dislike.

· Fix: Always ask for feedback and listen to what your customers say. Use their feedback to make your startup better.

Why Customer Feedback is Important: When customers tell you what they like or don’t like, it’s like they’re helping you make your business better. Their words can show you what’s working well and what needs fixing.

How to Get Feedback: There are many ways to know what customers think. You can ask them to fill out surveys, write reviews, or even chat with them in person or online. It’s like having a friendly talk where they tell you what’s on their mind.

Learning from Real Examples: Some education startups have changed things in their apps based on what customers said and saw great results. If many people find something hard to use, fixing that problem can make a big difference.

Expert Advice: Experts say it’s good to always have a way for customers to talk to you. And when they do talk, listen and think about how you can use their words to improve. They also say it’s good to let customers know that you value their thoughts and are making changes based on what they said.

In simple words, paying attention to what customers say and using their feedback to get better is a smart move for education startups. It helps make the service or app better and shows that the startup cares about making customers happy. So, listening and acting on what customers say is a big step towards making an education startup successful and loved by users.


In the end, avoiding these common mistakes can help your education startup succeed. By knowing your market, planning your budget, fixing tech issues, following the law, marketing well, adapting to change, and listening to your customers, you’ll be on the right path to making your education startup a success.

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