Women’s Health Tracking App Development: Features, Tech Stack, and Cost

7 min readOct 26, 2023


In today’s world, phones aren’t just for calling and texting. They can also be little health helpers, especially for women. Plenty of women use specific apps to keep track of their health, particularly related to periods and pregnancy.

Given how useful these apps are, making one could be a great business idea. So, Let’s dive into how this can be done, focusing on features, the tech behind it, and costs.

Building a Women’s Health App: A Simple Guide

#1. A Quick Look at Women’s Tech (FemTech)

FemTech is all about creating tech stuff (like apps) that help women manage their health. Apps that help track periods, help with pregnancy, and more fall into this category. And guess what? This market is booming! It was worth $51 billion in 2021 and might double by 2030. This holds significant importance, given that nearly half of the global population consists of women!

#2. The Rising Tide of FemTech

One app, called Flo, has been downloaded over 200 million times by 2021. It helps women track their periods and fertility, which means knowing when they might get pregnant. North America leads in this area, holding 38.5% of the market. All these facts shout loud and clear that creating a health app for women is a great move!

#3. Making Your App: Key Features

Now, when you make your app, here’s what it should do at a minimum:

  • Track Periods and Ovulation: Help women know when their next period is and when they’re most likely to get pregnant.
  • Educate: Offer tips and info on birth control, STIs, and pregnancy.

For a little extra “wow”:

  • AI Advice: Use smart tech to give personal advice and health tips.
  • Virtual Doctor Visits: Let women talk to health experts through the app.
  • Support Groups: Create a space where users can chat and support each other.

#4. The Tech Needed (Tech Stack)

Building an app needs some tech planning. You’ll need to pick the tools (or tech stack) that make it work inside and look good outside. For example:

  • Making it Look Good (Front-end): Tools like React Native or Flutter will help.
  • Making it Work (Back-end): Consider using Python or Node.js for the heavy lifting behind the scenes.
  • Storing Data (Database Management): Think of MongoDB or MySQL for keeping user data safe and organized.

#5. What’s It Gonna Cost?

Cost is tricky. Basic apps could cost around $25,000, but if you want a really fancy one with all the extra features, it could even exceed $100,000. It’s all about what features you want and the tech you choose.

What Makes Women’s Health App Development Cost More or Less?

There are key factors that affect the development costs of women’s health apps.

  • Complexity & Number of Features

The complexity and number of features you want to include in your women’s health app play a significant role in determining its development costs. A simple app with basic functionalities, such as tracking menstrual cycles and providing health tips, will be more affordable to develop than a comprehensive app with features like personalized health assessments, fitness tracking, and integration with wearable devices.

To manage costs effectively, start by outlining the core features your app must have. Then, consider additional features that can be added in future updates. Prioritizing features will help you strike a balance between functionality and cost.

  • The Technology of Development Applied

The choice of technology stack used for app development is another crucial factor affecting costs. Different technologies have varying development times and complexities. Creating apps separately for iOS and Android, which is called native app development, usually ends up being more expensive compared to building a single app that works on both platforms. Additionally, the programming languages, frameworks, and tools you choose can also affect how quickly the app is made and how much it costs.

To make an informed decision, consult with experienced app developers who can advise you on the most suitable technology stack for your women’s health app while considering your budget constraints.

  • Third-Party Integrations:

Integrating third-party services and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) into your women’s health app can enhance its functionality and user experience. However, these integrations often come with licensing fees and may require customization, which can increase development costs.

Before integrating any third-party services, carefully evaluate their necessity and potential costs. Make sure to factor in ongoing maintenance and support costs as well. Some common integrations in women’s health apps may include healthcare data sources, wearable device compatibility, and social media sharing.

  • The Development Team’s Hourly Rate:

The hourly rate of your development team is a fundamental cost factor. Highly skilled and experienced developers typically charge higher hourly rates than less experienced ones. The location of your development team can also influence hourly rates, with developers in regions with a higher cost of living generally charging more.

To manage costs, consider outsourcing development to regions where skilled developers are more cost-effective while still maintaining a high level of quality. Finding the right balance between saving money and having the necessary skills for your project is really important.

Estimating the costs of developing a women’s health app involves considering several critical factors. These include the complexity and number of features, the technology stack, third-party integrations, and the hourly rate of your development team. By carefully analyzing these elements and making informed decisions, you can plan your budget effectively and bring your women’s health app project to fruition while managing costs efficiently.

Remember that accurate cost estimation is the first step toward a successful and sustainable project.

Essential Features for Your Women’s Health-Tracking App

To create a successful and user-friendly women’s health app, it’s crucial to incorporate certain primary features along with some features that we have already mentioned in this article (scroll up to read).

1. Sign Up and Login: Simplified Access

The first step in using any app is signing up and logging in. To ensure a seamless user experience, it’s essential to make this process as straightforward as possible. Consider offering the option for users to sign up using their social media accounts, simplifying the initial entry into your app.

2. Profile Setup: Personalization Matters

Profile setup is a cornerstone feature of women’s health apps. Users should be able to create profiles by providing basic information such as age, height, weight, allergies, and menstrual cycle details. This data is vital for tailoring the app’s content and recommendations to each user’s unique needs.

3. Trackers: The Heart of Your App

Trackers are the core of women’s health-tracking apps. These can include fertility trackers, menstrual cycle trackers, mood trackers, and more. Choose the type of tracker that aligns with your app’s primary focus. To enhance user engagement, consider making these trackers customizable, allowing users to track what matters most to them.

4. Reports: Insights at a Glance

The inclusion of a well-designed reports feature can greatly enhance your app’s market performance. This feature should offer clear graphical representations of menstrual cycles, fertility windows, ovulation predictions, and symptom history. These reports enable users to identify patterns, track weight fluctuations, monitor activities during their menstrual cycle, and assess period duration.

5. Reminder: Timely Notifications

Hectic schedules can lead to users forgetting important tasks like taking medications, attending appointments, or tracking their menstrual cycles. The reminder feature serves as a valuable tool to help users stay on track, preventing disruptions to their health routines.

6. Share Information: Connect with Others

Enable users to share essential information with their partners, healthcare providers, or others who play a crucial role in their health journey. A “Share” button can facilitate easy sharing of data, fostering communication and collaboration in managing women’s health.

7. Urgent Help: Quick Access to Assistance

In emergencies, quick access to assistance is critical. Your app should include an “Urgent Help” feature that allows users to call or text their contacts in case of emergencies such as premature labor, severe vaginal bleeding, pregnancy complications, or other urgent health issues.

8. Community: Shared Experiences

A sense of community can be a valuable addition to your women’s health app. Similar to popular apps like Pink Pad, providing a platform for users to discuss their experiences, share insights, and seek advice can foster a supportive environment. A thriving community can encourage users to contribute their knowledge and build trust in your app.


Building a women’s health app isn’t just a business move. It’s a step towards helping millions of women manage their health better. By blending the right features and tech, you’re not just making an app; you’re contributing to a healthier, happier world for every woman using it.

Creating a women’s health app is about blending useful features, smart tech, and a user-friendly approach. It’s an exciting journey where business meets wellbeing, shaping a future where technology becomes a key partner in managing and celebrating women’s health.

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