They Want to Cool the Earth By Blocking the Sun With a Space Umbrella

Top Boss
2 min readFeb 4, 2024
Photo by Xavier Coiffic on Unsplash

In the ongoing quest for innovative solutions to combat the pressing issue of global warming, scientists are contemplating a radical approach: sending umbrellas into space to intercept the Sun’s relentless radiation. Led by Yoram Rozen, a team is poised to embark on the construction of a prototype, envisioning a colossal umbrella that would need to cover an expansive area, approximately one million square miles.

The sheer magnitude of this endeavor has led to a proposal advocating for the launch of a swarm of smaller shades into space, each working in concert to achieve the desired effect. The ambitious objective is to obstruct one to two percent of the Sun’s radiation, offering a potential avenue to alleviate the impacts of global warming.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

While this concept may seem novel, it echoes previous considerations, such as the deployment of dust at a strategic “Lagrange point” or the use of an umbrella tethered to an asteroid. However, the current proposal faces its fair share of skepticism. Detractors argue that a sunshade of this scale would be exorbitantly expensive, logistically challenging, and may struggle to endure the harsh…



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