Margin trading and

2 min readSep 5, 2018


Trade with the use of leverage, as it is also called, margin trading, is a system that allows you to conclude transactions when the transaction amount is many times greater than the trader’s total capital. At the moment there are a lot of types of shoulders. In simple terms, trading with a leverage is you want to trade 1000 ETH, but you only have 1ETH in your account.

In this article we would like to discuss credit shoulders from 1:100 to 1:1000. We see these shoulders as a terrible trap for beginning traders. Inexperienced traders lose an asset in a moment. The fact is that beginners forget that with increasing profitability, the risks are directly proportional to the growth. The brain says “yes” when it comes to additional profits. But will the brain say “yes” when it comes to additional risks for their money? A novice trader, as a rule, does not have knowledge in risk management and wants to get the fastest and at first sight simple profit. However, practical experience shows that the most important thing in trading is not to lose money. Provide in the hands of non-professional traders such a tool — it’s like to insert in the average machine the engine from the aircraft. We think the resulting hybrid will break at the first corner.

Our project is client oriented. We want to save and multiply financial assets of our users. That is why, the exchange stopped on a small shoulder X3. It will not allow novice traders to enormously increase the risk but gives an extra opportunity for everyone to have credit shoulder. But we warn you, before using this financial tool, carefully consider the solution.

